Mysterious Man

On the way there, Mo Xi asked Huo Meng Li things regarding her brother.

Huo Qi Gang was an upright and honest person, and he was working in their parents' company, Huo's Corporation. Hence, Mo Xi thought that it was probably that Huo Qi Gang had made an enemy by accident which resulted in them hiring people from 'White Wolf' to deal with him. Since Huo Qi Gang was a good person and was also Huo Meng Li's family, Mo Xi would definitely help him.

Mo Xi reminded them not to speak or move about in the casino unless she tells them to. Then, she called Yan Chu to ask him to investigate the matter.

White Wolf Casino.

"Miss Huo, you are here. Oh! Your brought companies," A man smirked when Huo Meng Li and the others entered.

"Where's my brother?" Huo Meng Li asked.

"Follow me."

They entered a private room in the White Wolf Casino.

"Brother!" Huo Meng Li shouted when she saw her brother sitting in front of the table.

Huo Qi Gang had been beaten up, so there were bruises around his face and on his body.

As Huo Meng Li was about to reach Huo Qi Gang, she was blocked by two other men.

"Miss Huo, you can only go near if you want to take your brother's place."

"Little Li! Don't come here! Leave here immediately! It is very dangerous!" Huo Qi Gang shouted despite the pain he was feeling all over his body.

"Meng Li, stay here. You two keep a lookout on her," Mo Xi whispered to Huo Meng Li, Jing Bo Chuan, and Lu Jin Sheng.

Mo Xi walked forward and was stopped by the two men again.

"You said that only those that want to take his place can go near, right?"

"Yes. Do you want to take his place?"


"This lady over here, don't you think that you are being a busybody?"

"Busybody? Since you said that I am a busybody then I will have to look after this matter thoroughly. Move aside," Mo Xi answered with a cold voice.

"Qing, Yun, let her come," A mysterious man at the other end of the table said.

"Yes, boss!" The two men replied and step aside.

"Aren't you going to let him out?" Mo Xi asked the mysterious man as she pointed at Huo Qi Gang.

"Qing, Yun, bring him to them."

"Yes, boss!"

Huo Qi Gang was then brought to Huo Meng Li and the others' side.

"How do you want to play?" Mo Xi asked as she sat down.

"Simple. You can choose whatever games you want, the only rule I have is to win against me."

"If I don't?"

"For him, he will have to take a punch each time he loses. For you… since you are a lady, drink three shots each time you lose."

"If I win?"

"If you win, then I will let them off."

"How would I know if you would go back on your words?"

"You have no choice but to trust me."

"Deal. Let's play Sic Bo then."

Mo Xi guessed that they might go back on their words, but she wasn't afraid. At most, she beat them down to get out.


Qing then walked forward and started to shake the dice. Mo Xi listened to the dice attentively while Qing was shaking.

"Ladies first."

Mo Xi then placed the chips on the area that states total count '4'.

The mysterious man laughed as he thought that Mo Xi placed it on '4' because it gave the highest returns. The man then proceeded to place his chips on the area that states die with '1'.

Mo Xi was quite shocked when the man placed his chips only on the area that states '1' because she thought that people in the gang would cheat to win. However, she could see that the man placed it on '1' because he deciphered it and not because he had played cheat.

Qing then opened the cover and revealed the dice '1', '1', '2'.

Huo Meng Li and the others were thrilled when they saw the dice.

The mysterious man was shocked when he saw the dice as after playing for so long, he could only decipher one die. However, Mo Xi could decipher all the numbers.

"I won," Mo Xi said as she stood up to leave.

If it wasn't that Mo Xi was about to marry Jing Mo Chen and the others were still here, she would have played around with the mysterious man. Mo Xi doesn't want Jing Mo Chen to worry about her, neither does she wants to drink too much alcohol before her wedding as it was bad for her health.

"Lady, do you think it is so easy to get out of here?"

"Oh. So, the boss of White Wolf wants to go back on his words? Wouldn't that be such a disgrace?" Mo Xi said coldly with a hint of mocking in her voice.

The mysterious man's eyes sparkled as he looked at Mo Xi.

Such an interesting lady…

"I did say that I would let them off, but I didn't say that I would let you off."

Mo Xi scoffed, "Trying to play word games with me?"

"I am just stating a fact."

"Alright. Meng Li, you guys go out first," Mo Xi told Huo Meng Li and the others.

Mo Xi only wanted to rescue Huo Qi Gang, but now that they decided to play with her, she would make them pay thoroughly for what happened to Huo Qi Gang and the Huo Beauty Company.

"No!!" All of them shouted.

"Don't worry about me, send your brother to the hospital first, he is injured and needs medical attention. As for you two, your hands are important, I don't want you two to get injured. Don't tell anyone else, especially those two."

Mo Xi asked Lu Jin Sheng and Jing Bo Chuan not to tell Lu Jin Xiao and Jing Mo Chen because she didn't want to make them worried. Moreover, she could handle the matter on her own.

"Qing, Yun, send them out."

Jing Bo Chuan and Lu Jin Sheng knew who Mo Xi was referring to, and they knew why she didn't want them to tell the others. Although they were still worried about her, they believed that without them Mo Xi could handle the situation better. If they were to remain in the room, White Wolf might hold them as a hostage if anything happens.