Bai Lang Yu

Private room.

Mo Xi sat back down as she looked at the mysterious man calmly.

"Aren't you afraid at all?"

"Why should I be afraid?"

"You are a girl, alone in the casino and with so many men around."

Mo Xi looked around the room and said, "Ninety-percent of you can't even win against me, so tell me, why should I be afraid?"

The reason why Mo Xi said ninety-percent was because apart from the mysterious man, the other nine men were no match to her. She doesn't know how well the mysterious man can fight, but she thinks that he should be on par with her.

The mysterious man chuckled, "Really?"

"You can give it a try if you don't believe. However, don't expect me to pay for any of their medical bills," Mo Xi shrugged her shoulders as she said.

"Are you seeking death?!" One of the men said in anger as he tried to hit Mo Xi.

Mo Xi stood up and kicked the man's stomach just when he was about to hit Mo Xi. The man flew back and hit on the wall.

When the others saw that the man was kicked by Mo Xi, they all started to attack her as well.

However, they were all down within one minute.

The mysterious man looked at Mo Xi interestingly as she fought.

"Don't move!" The man that Mo Xi kicked down earlier on pointed his gun at Mo Xi.

"Luo, stop it," The mysterious man ordered sternly.

Just as the man was about to shoot, Mo Xi disappeared in front of him and all he could see was darkness.

"They are your men, I don't want to dirty my hands," Mo Xi said calmly as she sat back down again.

The nine men had fainted and were all lying motionless on the floor.

The man laughed and said, "Not bad."

"Now that they are down, tell me, why did you all target Huo Qi Gang?"

Although Mo Xi already knew the reason, so she just wanted to know the truth from the mysterious man because she could see that he wasn't a bad person.

"It's simple, he interfered with my brother's business."

Mo Xi scoffed, "Your brother's business? Do you mean Hai Long Company? We haven't even asked you to compensate Huo Beauty Company's lost because of Hai Long Company, and yet you have the cheeks to say that?"

"Compensate?" The mysterious man asked in confusion.

"Hai Long Company's products were found to have failed the chemical tests. However, they framed it on Huo Beauty Company by buying the tester to switch the names of the samples they were testing. Because of this, Huo Beauty Company's reputation suffered severe damage. So, tell me, how did Huo Qi Gang interfere with your brother's business?"

"Huo Qi Gang copied the formulas of Hai Long Company."

"I think you need to do some fact checks with your men. If you don't give us a satisfying explanation by the end of today, be prepared that I will personally smash Hai Long Company and White Wolf," Mo Xi said warningly as she walked out.

Qing and Yun came back into the room and was shocked to see that nine men had fainted. They immediately grabbed Mo Xi, but the mysterious man stopped them.

The mysterious man then told the two men to bring the nine men out of the room. He sat on the chair quietly as he thought about what Mo Xi said.

After a few minutes, the mysterious man then called Hai Long, "Hai Long, aren't you going to tell me the truth about the problem between Huo Beauty Company and Hai Long Company?"

"… Lang Yu, what do you mean…"

Bai Lang Yu noticed the hesitation when Hai Long spoke, "Don't make me repeat twice."

Hai Long was frightened, and he instantly spoke the truth.

"Hold a press conference and uncover the truth."

"But! But…"

"If you don't, then don't blame me for making you go bankrupt. One more thing, our friendship ends here."

"Lang Yu!"

"You know how much I hate it when people lie to me. Not only did you lie to me, but you also made use of me."

"Lang Yu…"

Bai Lang Yu hung up the call without waiting for Hai Long to finish what he was saying.


"Little Xi! Are you alright?!" Lu Jin Sheng asked worriedly.

"Why are you guys still here?" Mo Xi was puzzled because she remembered that she told them to go to the hospital.

"We were waiting for you because we were worried," Jing Bo Chuan replied.

"Alright, let's go then," Mo Xi said as she hailed a cab to go to the hospital.

On the way there, Huo Qi Gang became unconscious and Huo Meng Li was shocked. Mo Xi took Huo Qi Gang's hand and felt his pulse. Luckily, Huo Qi Gang had good health and those external injuries would heal in no time.

Huo Meng Li doesn't know that Mo Xi was a doctor, so she was puzzled when Mo Xi took Huo Qi Gang's hand.

Mo Xi noticed the questioning look on Huo Meng Li's face, "Your brother is fine, those injuries are just external. Your brother has very good health, so he would recover very soon. As for the matter with White Wolf, they will give us an explanation by tonight. I will handle this matter, so don't worry."

"Mm!" Although Huo Meng Li wanted to know how Mo Xi would settle this matter, she believed in Mo Xi.

Capital Qing Hua Hospital.

Four hours later.


"Qi Gang!"


Huo Meng Li's parents had arrived at the hospital and were waiting for Huo Qi Gang to wake up.

"Where am I?"

"You are in the hospital. How do you feel now?!" Mrs. Huo asked worriedly.

"I am fine. I am sorry to have caused trouble for you all and made you all worried…"

Huo Qi Gang then remembered that Mo Xi was in the casino and asked Huo Meng Li hurriedly, "Sis, where's your friend?! Is she still in the casino?!"