Our Wedding Night

They then put on the wedding band for each other.

"Kiss! Kiss!" Everyone in the room said excitedly.

Jing Mo Chen and Mo Xi looked at everyone and then turned to look at one another again. They smiled happily and their heads move towards one another.

Jing Mo Chen held onto Mo Xi's waist with his right hand and held the back of her head with his left hand. Mo Xi threw her arms around Jing Mo Chen's neck as they kissed each other. Their heads moved in sync as they kissed each other passionately as they tried to convey their happiness in the kiss.

"WOOO!!!" The younger ones cheered while the older ones smiled happily and clapped.

"Kids shouldn't look at such things." Lu Jin Xiao said as he covered Jing Mo Ling's eyes with his hands.

Jing Mo Ling pushed Lu Jin Xiao's hands away and said, "Bo Chuan is younger than me, but isn't he also looking?"

"He is different."

"How is he different?"

"He is a boy, you are a girl."