Right One

Jing Mansion.

"Sister Mo Xi and brother are finally married!! Seeing how happy and blissful they looked, I also want to get married!" Jing Mo Ling said excitedly.

"When you find the right one, you can get married," Yang Shu Ling said happily.

"How do you know the person is the right one?"

Subconsciously, Lu Jin Xiao's face flashed across Jing Mo Ling's mind when she asked the question.

"Your heart would race when you see the person. You feel safe whenever he is around. There is no right answer to this. Ask your heart and follow what your heart tells you to. I think your second sister-in-law would be of great help to you in such matters."

"I asked second sister-in-law already! Maybe I should ask her again!"

Jing Mo Ling returned to her room as she thought about what Mo Xi had said to her previously during the dinner.