First Anniversary

Mo Xi's face was flushed, and she pouted, "Yea, but I am tired and sleepy again."

Jing Mo Chen couldn't help but kiss Mo Xi again, and so he did.

"Don't sleep anymore. We have yet to celebrate our anniversary."

"Whose fault is it that I am tired now?" Mo Xi crossed her arms while she asked.

Jing Mo Chen chuckled, and he inched nearer to Mo Xi's ears and whispered, "My fault. So, I will let you lead and be on top tonight."

Mo Xi's face went beet red when she heard Jing Mo Chen's words and also because his breath fanned against her skin and ear.

"Who are you? Where's my husband? Please return my husband back to me," Mo Xi said after she calmed herself down.

"Inside you."

Jing Mo Chen's little friend was still inside Mo Xi, and so his words had two meanings. One, the physical sense of his little friend being inside her. Two, the emotional meaning of him being in her heart.

"You are becoming very shameless…"