Shooting Stars

When Mo Xi saw the tent, picnic mat, and barbecue pit, she was very shocked.

"When did you prepare all these?"

"I wanted to prepare them myself in the morning, but I decided against it and got Feng Rui to help us set up the things."

Jing Mo Chen then guided Mo Xi to the picnic mat and got her to sit down before he took out a basket of picnic food and placed them on the mat.

Jing Mo Chen then took out a fresh bottle of milk and handed it to Mo Xi.

Mo Xi drank the bottle of milk diligently and felt that it was sweeter than usual.

Mo Xi then took out the sandwiches from the basket and fed them to Jing Mo Chen.

The rest of their brunch was filled with sweetness in the air because they kept feeding each other and occasionally, steal a few kisses from each other.

After they finished their breakfast, Mo Xi then sat on Jing Mo Chen's lap while they read storybooks for their children.

"A long, long time ago..."