She Is Alive

The last designer was Lu Jin Sheng.

Su An An walked onto the stage with Lu Jin Sheng, and she felt very nervous when so many pairs of eyes were looking at her.

However, when Su An An saw Yan Chu sitting with the other judges, she was shocked, and she forgot about her nervousness instantly.

That pervert is one of the judges!

Su An An almost lunged at Yan Chu when she saw him because she couldn't believe that a pervert could be a judge for such prestigious competition. However, she kept her emotion under control and pretended that everything was alright.

Yan Chu was surprised when he saw Su An An as well, "So, she is the model for Rise…"

Mo Xi smiled secretly when she heard Yan Chu's words.

Yan Chu then looked at Su An An, and when he saw the way she looked at Lu Jin Sheng, he grinned.

"Wow, I must say that your designs impressed me once again!" Rosanne said earnestly.

"Thank you!" Lu Jin Sheng said with a bright smile.