Happy Being Alone

Cheng Yu and Feng Ning's words added fuel to the fire, and Yan Chu's eyes immediately shot daggers at them once again.

Cheng Yu and Feng Ning then realized that they had said the wrong thing and so they could only laugh and cough awkwardly before shutting up.

"No. I didn't. That's a misunderstanding. If you watched the video, you would have realized that I was hit at the doorstep, so I didn't do anything. As to why I entered the female toilet, I received news about a family of mine that she had undergone surgery without me knowing, so I was flustered and couldn't concentrate. I walked straight without looking at where I was going, so I didn't realize that I had walked into the female toilet until the lady hit me. Meaning to say, even if the door leads to a car park, I wouldn't have realized as well because I was just walking straight without looking at where I was going."