Hidden Star

"You said many things just now. Which sentence are you referring to?"

"Something that could trigger their minds. Something that could make them vote base on their likings and not be affected by what they had heard."

"How could they not be affected by what they had heard? Not only did Ning Hua said something that sounded really suspicious, but Luo Bing Bing also said something suspicious. This is as though your brother is hiding something from the audience and judges. Something important that only the people involved would know. Ning Hua is targeting your brother directly while Luo Bing Bing is targeting An An directly, which would indirectly affect your brother. So, how could they not be swayed by what they heard?"

"I wouldn't say that they won't be affected totally. However, there would be people who wouldn't, and there would be people who would be swayed but end up swaying back. As for why they would sway back, that is because of what I had said."