
Jiang Xue Zi stood at the center of the stage and gave everyone a bow, "Thank you all for supporting me!"

Jiang Xue Zi then went to stand at the side while Lionel continued to announce the results.

"Oh, our second place is closer to our third place than to our first place! The difference between the second and third place is only 0.2 points!"

The audience gasped, and they were soon separated into two groups. One group cheered for Ning Hua while the other group cheered for Lu Jin Sheng.

"Ning Hua! Ning Hua!"

"Lu Jin Sheng! Lu Jin Sheng!"

"The one who obtained the first place with a score of 99.3 points is Lu Jin Sheng!"

Upon hearing that, the audience immediately erupted.

"Woo!!!!! Lu Jin Sheng!! Lu Jin Sheng!!"

"First place!! Champion!!"

"Lu Jin Sheng! Champion!"

"Oh my! 99.3 points is really damn high!"

"This is the highest score we ever seen so far, not taking into account the raw score just now!"