Sad Romance Movie

At Imperial Jade Palace.

Yan Chu anxiously pressed the doorbell of Luo Bing Bing's apartment, which was where Su An An and Luo Bing Bing were in, but after a few moments, no one answered the door. He thought that perhaps he didn't press the doorbell properly or Su An An didn't hear it, so he pressed the doorbell a few more times.

However, when no one answered the door once again, Yan Chu considered whether he should knock the door down and pay Mo Xi for the damage later. He was worried that the people that Feng Ning saw belonged to enemies of Blue Diamond Entertainment or even Poker. Hence, he was thinking about whether Su An An and Luo Bing Bing were safe or if those people had already entered the apartment and held the two as hostages. The more he thought, the more he wanted to knock the door down. However, while he was contemplating, the door finally opened and he was stunned by the sight.