You Are The Pervert

Su An An's hands flew around as she tried to put them on the floor on both sides of Yan Chu as she pushed herself up. However, because she was embarrassed and surprised by their position, she didn't know where to put her hands, and her hands ended up gliding around Yan Chu's body. When she finally managed to put her hands on either side of him, she then tried to move her legs away from Yan Chu's to put her knees on the floor as well. However, instead of moving away from him, she ended up straddling him.

The moment Su An An realized that she was straddling Yan Chu, she shrieked in surprise, and she instinctively wanted to cover her eyes from the embarrassment. However, because of that, she ended up falling back down on him with her lips colliding with his collarbone.

"Ugh!" Yan Chu groaned once again from the impact as Su An An's head hit the side of his jaws.

Su An An then realized that she had hurt Yan Chu by accident, and she apologized quickly, "I'm sorry!"