Someone That You Want To See

Two weeks later. Near Town G.

Mo Xi sat in her car with Tyler and the others as she looked at the message that Donovan had sent her an hour ago.

[Be at Town G in an hour! You must go there now! There is someone that you want to see there! Bring some people along with you! Make sure not to let others know!]

"Who is this person?" Mo Xi mumbled as she read the text again and again as though it could help her decipher who she would be seeing later.

"Could it be your parents?" Valerie then asked with slight excitement in her tone.

"I hope that it would be them but there is something telling me that it isn't..." Mo Xi shook her head slowly.

Mo Xi then looked outside the car through the side window, "This town… this town is where President Ji's wife was raised in… If there is someone else other than my parents that I want to see, it would be her... Could it be her?"