
Mo Xi held onto Zhao Ai Yun's hand once she got into the car as she wanted to see if she was alright. She then mentally noted anything that was abnormal after checking so that she could inform Tang Shao Chen and Bai Su Fei about it later.

Meanwhile, Tyler apologized to Mo Xi and the others when he got into the car.

"Lady Boss, I am sorry. I am sorry to have deceived all of you, including Boss."

"Who are you?" Valerie asked in anger as well.

"I am Tyler and I am part of Poker as well."

"It can't be. I have never seen you before. None of us saw you before."

"I am indeed part of Poker. However, unlike you, Xue Yue, Ellington, and Cayden, I am someone unknown by everyone. Only Donovan knows me. I am the Joker."

Valerie looked at Tyler in shock because she never knew Joker existed in Poker. Meanwhile, Vincent's hand almost slipped from the steering wheel due to shock.