Freeza v Scatha

Scatha extends her hand and charges up a blue ball of ki getting ready to launch it at Freeza it gets to the size of a dwarf planet then suddenly it shrinks to the size of a bean with all the power compacted into the bean sized ki ball she launched the ki ball and all 125trillion battle power straight at Freeza's lower abdomen Freeza sees this than blast's his red aura in an attempt to deflect as it closes in Freeza charges up his ki beam screaming like an absolute madlad.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" as the bean sized ki ball nears Freeza all he can hear is *VURMVA* *VURMVA* *VURMVA* as he sees his impending doom he charges his ki beam he puts both of his hands out and the redish orange beam starts getting larger in ball shape.

"hahahhaha only a mere speck like that can't get through my ki beam you must be really stupid monkey hahahhahahha!"Freeza pushes his hand forward and his beam fires *FWOOOOSHVVVVVVVVVMMMMMMMMMMM!*the two epic attacks collide in between Scatha and Freeza the moment that both attacks collide they impload resulting in a huge explosion separating Freeza and Scatha.

as Scatha is flying back at epic speeds she calls up the system 'ULTIMATE SYSTEM TAKE ME TO EARTH NOW!!'she calls the system she hears a *ding* and breaths a breath of relief .

[teleport host to earth will cost 8000sp proceed? Y/N]

'YES!!'at that moment space warps around Scatha she sees Freeza trying to charge at her but before he can get near her she disappears at that moment space warps in the desert on earth and Scatha appears.

faraway on earth's look out"not good an astronomical force has suddenly appeared on earth lets hope whom ever it is doesn't hold any hostile intentions"as Kami is sweating bullets he feels the very powerful force closing in on him at high speeds.

as Scatha is flying through the air she starts to see a city on the horizon and a huge tower she starts going towards it soon she can see 2 people standing on top in a combat stance she gets within 400m of the tower and they start staring each other down Korin breaks the silence by demanding to know why she is on earth.

"why are you here you are obviously not from earth so who are you!?"Korin readies his bo staff Kami readies a ki blast then Scatha speaks"lower your weapons lower lifeforms i bring you no harm instead i bring information about the calamity know as Freeza are you interested?"Scatha patiantly waits for a reply

Korin and Kami move close to each other and Kami starts whispering "should we trust her? i don't think we can win anyway" korin whispers"yes lets see what she says"Korin and Kami turn back to Scatha and says"speak Scatha what information do you have on Freeza that we don't?"

Scatha's lips twitch"his final form has 1billion battle power he has an ability that lets him boost it to 150trillion that enough information for you?" Kami and Korin look horrified at each other and look back at Scatha and asks "where is he now?"

Scatha laughs *bhahahahaha* "you dont have to worry lower life form he is heavily injured and wont be doing much for a while" Korin looks at her with curiosity "why do you call us lower lifeforms we are gods you know?" Scatha stares at the white cat "beacuse if i wanted to i could turn you into dust and there would be nothing you could do about it any more questions?" she looks at them with disdain Kami looks at Scatha "no but you aren't going to harm the inhabitants of this planet are you?"Kami asks while still sweating bullets

"no you don't have to worry tho in a few years you will meet one of my kind tho far weaker than me guide him and a few more years after that 3 enemies will come to this planet in search for that person"Scatha looks at them and sighs

?the person i want you to train is named Son Goku the 3 that are gonna attack this planet are named Radditz,Vagita and nappa tho Vagita and Nappa will come after radditz" she looks at them for a while

Kami ask's"are they strong?"he is now standing in a puddle of his own sweat

"Radditz is not but Vagita and Nappa are" she turns around and blast's towards were gohan's shack is and watches as goku grows.

Kami and Korin watch as the White haired girl flies off over the horizon while suddenly breathing heavily.

to be continued....