Hideout in the mountains

Scatha flies in a relaxed manner towards a random mountain range to set up a base of operations of sorts on the way to the mountains she see's all sorts of exotic life that she has never seen before like giant lizards that look like dinosaurs and a flying creature that looks like a pterodactyl and weird looking trees and some villages that resemble Indian dwellings.

"hmm look at all the wild life i have never seen before at-least not on in person heheh that giant lizard kinda looks like a T-rex i wonder if it has the short arms too that would be funny" Scatha draws near the mountains now that she is closer she can see that it has snow and an opening in one of the sides as she is observing the opening in the mountain she sees a giant bird that kinda looks like a eagle.

while Scatha is flying she gets the feeling that she is being watched but she doesn't know from where, while looking for the person or something looking at her she feels a chill down her spine at that moment from the opening in the mountain side a giant red beam flies right at her she dodges and looks at the black abyss to see what fired the beam.

just as she does she sees a figure appearing in the opening "what the hell!? is that it looks like a person but at the same time it doesn't is it some sort of creature with the ability to mimic a humans appearance interesting but either way it has to die" as she says that her electric blue aura burst's out. *shwoo* *shka ka ka*

much like Goku with his kamehameha Scatha has a Aurora cannon just as the name implies it has the colors of a aurora sure it looks pretty but its much more dangerous she forms a triangle with her fingers in front of her mouth with a deep breath she blows * sha sha sha sha sha sha* she fires the aurora cannon at the speed 10x that of a kamehameha wave, it hits the opening on the mountain and completely obliterates it mountain and the creature.

"hehehe that will teach you to attack people out of the blue" Scatha resumes her flying in relaxation when she finds the perfect spot to make a hideout situated in the middle of 6 mountains in the form of a circle with a lake and grassland with some trees scattered around in the middle, at the edge of the lake she lands and takes a few sips of water *slurp slurp*

"ahh that hits the spot nice and cool and tastes refreshing now about the hideout should i make it a shack or a cabin hmm?"

'system what do you think?'

[in response to host system recommends a cabin you can buy one from the shop....]

'how much are they and how many points do I have?'

[the price for the cabin differs per size and host has 198,000 system points would host like to see cabin prices?...]


[prices are






what cabin size would host like?]

'lets go large please'

[buy large cabin? Y/N]


[deducting sp.... thank you for your purchase]

white smoke appeared and with a *poof* the cabin popped out of nowhere

the cabin was a large wooden one with 2 floors and a balcony on the inside it was like a modern home it came equipped with a kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, a living room, and dining room, and some solar panels on the roof.

"wow what a nice place i like it i will call this home now i have a place to stay and i can train out here its perfect" Scatha walks around the inside of the cabin for a while then heads outside to look at the surroundings for a bit and take in nature that was the whole reason Scatha chose a remote area for her hideout.

Scatha bought some flower seeds and vegetable seeds to make her own garden and searched the surroundings for game animals she found some rabbits, deer ,and some birds at the lake she found fish and fresh water crabs, she has plenty of food and has no worry's she heads back to the cabin and goes inside to the second floor where the master bedroom is and jumps on the bed and lays there wondering what type of creature she ran into while slowly falling asleep.