Uninvited guest

*fuhaaaaaa* "hmm its morning already? i must have fallen asleep looks to be mid day" Scatha stretches and gets up out of bed she heads towards the dresser and gets a change of cloths then heads to the bathroom she preps for a nice morning bath and tooth brushing (30 minutes later).

"hahahha that was soo great" heading towards the stairs out of her room Scatha goes midway down the stairs when she feels a presence but she didn't know who they were she didn't think anyone was in this mountain range besides that creature she obliterated.


"ooo i never would have thought i would run into the Red Ribbon army what a surprise" Scatha finished walking down the stairs in her cabin and walked towards the front door to meet the obnoxious voice it was a kid with the Red Ribbon army uniform on and the best scary face he could muster.

"YOU YOUR THE ONE THAT KILLED COMRADE 16 YOU MONSTER!!" Scatha looks at the little boy who is about to break into tears and smiles

"but i was only acting in self defense he attacked me for no reason what else was i supposed to do?" Scatha said in a mocking tone looking at the boy with disdain in her eyes as she was looking at a pest, see Scatha never liked the RRA because they attacked villages for no reason so she was doing the world a favor in her eyes.

"DON'T LIE HE WOULD NEVER ATTACK ANYONE!!" the boy said this with absolute certainty after all they grew up together.

"you should stop yelling so early in the morning you know" Scatha said with annoyance, who would like getting yelled at so early in the morning right outside your home eventually the boy got the hint that Scatha had just woken up.

"ahh sorry its just you killed my friend and i was so angry" *sob sob* the boy now in tears said, Scatha then comforted the boy as she felt bad that she obliterated the boy's friend all-tho it was self-defense.

Scatha invited the uninvited guest in for breakfast because she was starving and felt bad for the boy they walked through the door to the dining room where Scatha had the boy sit then went to the kitchen and started cooking after a while a lot of food was placed on the dining room table and they both ate breakfast together and Scatha then sent the boy on his way.

"whew that was bothersome so if they were from the red ribbon army that means Goku will probably run into me on his adventure guess i can wait" Scatha moved to the back of the cabin were she planted the garden and started weeding and caring for the plants it was a good past time to do while she waited for the adventure of Goku to start.

*** Change in POV kid Goku***

"man im hungry what do i want today what do you want stomach"


"hmm fish ya fish sounds good! hahahahahahahahah"


Goku was on his way to the river that was nearby his granpa Gohan's house to catch some nice and tasty fish, Goku really loves to eat as do all saiyans but Goku eats more than others and he only seems to think of food all day every day.

"time to do some tail fishing" Goku takes off his cloths and places them on the ground near him and puts his tale in the water like a worm on a hook to lure some fish.

"come on fishes i know you want a bite hehehehe" meanwhile a huge fish caught sight of Goku's tail and swam to take a bite just as it did Goku pulled his tail out of the water along with the fish.

"golly look at that big fish hiiyaaa!!" *Smack* Goku 1 tapped the rather large fish and dove after it then dragged it out of the water then put his cloths back on and dragged it all the way back home, on the way back home Goku heard a strange noise he turned his head only to see a metal object that he dubbed a monster charging at him but it was actually Bulma but still Goku only saw the metal mass charging him.




*slam* Goku was sent flying into a tree.

"HA you think that will finish me monster its gonna take a lot more than that to take me down!" Goku charges the incapacitated care with Bulma still in it and lifts it up.


"HEY LITTLE BOY PUT MY CAR DOWN!" Goku now with the car above his head throws it 15 meters in front of him to Bulma Goku looked like your average 4-6 year old boy.

*Smash* *Crash*


"hahaha now you cant move in that armor show your self monster!!"

"I AM NOT A MONSTER STRANGE LITTLE BOY!" Bluma said while climbing out the window of the now on it's side car 'tho i have to admit that boy is very strong'

"hahha monster now you cant hide in your shell anymore!"

"IM NOT A MONSTER LITTLE BOY I'M A GIRL!!"Bulma now kinda peed off yells at Goku while he is looking at her all over

" a girl? grandpa said i should always be kind to girls"Goku was only taught martial arts and how to treat girls by grandpa Gohan was very adamant that Goku always treat girls with respect.

To be continued.....