First contact with goku

"I'M NOT A MONSTER LITTLE BOY I'M A GIRL!!"Bulma now kinda pissed off yells at Goku while he is looking at her all over

" A girl? grandpa said I should always be kind to girls"Goku was only taught martial arts and how to treat girls by grandpa Gohan was very adamant that Goku always treat girls with respect.

--------------------------------------Change of POV-------------------------------------------------

As Bulma and Goku are talking Scatha is preparing for her first meeting with Goku as she has collected one of the 7 dragon balls all she has to do is wait and keep it in her storage, she can prepare a grand entrance of suddenly pulling the Dragon Ball out of nowhere and stun the whole crowed and challenge Goku to a duel.

"Hmm right about now Goku and Bulma should have met, all I have to do is wait for them to start collecting the dragon balls and by the time they get to red ribbon army they should run into me here in the mountains"

"Until then I should prepare all the piece's for when that time arrives"

At this time Goku and Bulma were making their way to the village where they would first encounter the red ribbon army but first they had to deal with a wild Oolong who was terrorizing a village, so Scatha had plenty of time to set up all the pieces for her meeting with Bulma and Goku.

"Hmm I wonder how I should meet them, well I guess that would depend on their tone with me, I suppose" Scatha didn't want to be too hostile when she met them, but she also didn't want to be too nice maybe in the middle would work for what she is trying to accomplish.

Scatha decided to set some traps for Goku as a test to see if he would react the same way that he would in the show when he triggered a trap she set simple land mines, some snares, and bear traps around her cabin she also made sure to stock a lot of food for when they met.

Scatha decided to fly to the city to get some items and other supply she may or may not need such as first-aid, food rations, some capsuals and some other miscellaneous items that they would need on the "journey" for the last Dragon Ball that Scatha decided to put some were a few weeks journey from where her cabin was.

She obviously didn't want to make the journey too simple, so she hired some mercs to protect the ball, but she kept her identity a secret the mercs in question were rather strong so Goku would have a challenge because it would be no fun to simply watch Goku she would also intervene or toss things in to spice up the story.

"Hehehe almost all the pieces are in place just gotta hire some more people and all will be set but to spice things up lets add someone that can smurf Goku but I will tell them to hold back and not hurt him too bad after all he has to be strong for the story ahead, hehheheh"

Goku felt a terrible chill run down his spine as Scatha was prepping to have a fun journey but the question is will things in the story change by a lot or a little only time would tell.

To Be Continued.....