Cold Vein Consolidation Pill.

Liu Leng watched with a smile while his mother swallowed his semen with a complacent, intoxicated expression on her face as if his semen was extremely rich and incredibly delicious.

And although Liu Leng did not know. But the Technique of the Primordial Incubus would make that any SlaveH who tasted his semen feel it as an incredibly delicious, like it's the most delicious delicacy she's ever tasted.

So to speak, for the SlaveH, the semen of her master, the Primordial Incubus, in this case, Liu Leng, was incredibly delicious and addictive.

After Liu Luxue finished swallowing the semen, she opened her eyes and licked her lips with delight.

"Rich?" Liu Leng asked with a smile.


His mother reddened and lowered her head in shame from her vulgar act, but then nodded and murmured in shame with a voice so small that it was almost inaudible.

"It was... rich..."

The smile on Liu Leng's face widened as he heard Liu Luxue's response, then crouched and lifting his mother's chin with his hand and kissed her with a deep kiss full of emotion.

Liu Luxue who showed astonishment at first, became softer and finally closed her eyes and accepted the kiss, while she began to move her lips of her own volition and accompanied Liu Leng in his kiss.



A few days passed and the intense rain that had been lashing the region of Pueblo Xumell finally ceased.

The gray clouds of bad weather that had been stalking the skies began to disperse and the bright sun rose in the sky.

"Finally it stopped raining"

"It was like four whole days it was raining, wasn't it?"

"You're wrong, it was five days!"

"*sigh* what a relief, we can finally get back to work"

The villagers were finally able to get out of their homes and go back to their routine jobs. Many were happy that the rain had finally stopped. But obviously there was the opposite side that was integrated by the bums of the village who were cursing the cessation of the rain.

"Fucking clouds! Why are they leaving so fast?!"


"Why? Because you stopped raining!? Do you have grudges against me to force me to go back to work?"

As the entire village returned to their activities, many guards managed by the Xumell Family were sent to maintain order and order the disaster caused by the rain.



His mother, Liu Luxue, no more than five weeks ago, has been completely unconscious and seemed that she would never wake up. But now, she is able to move easily and does not appear to have any muscle difficulty even though she was so many years without moving. This no doubt surprised Liu Leng the first time he saw her stand up without any difficulty, and after having asked her.

He discovered that the xuan energy that entered her body during the cultivation of the Primordial Incubus technique had apparently helped her to recover all the mobility of her body.

This was another new discovery that surprised Liu Leng and then proceeding to give a big hug to his mother full of happiness and joy.

Although of course, he could not be neglected, since Liu Leng knew perfectly that all this was only temporary. Until his mother was completely healed, he could not be neglected.

But what did Liu Leng need to completely cure his mother?

Even though the disease of the channels sounded something easy to be cured, as it appeared that it simply required xuan energy for its healing. But the truth is that it was not as simple as it appeared, since there was the question of; why does the weakening of xuan energy occur in the patient with this disease?

This was because the disease is not only a weakening of xuan energy, but this disease could also be called a type of carcinogenic disease. This disease acted especially on the host's xuan veins, infecting them and causing the expenditure of xuan energy in the body to multiply unnecessarily while the input of natural xuan energy is drastically reduced.

Every living body, whether immortal or mortal, yes or yes, they require some xuan energy in order to live, for xuan energy is, so to speak, like oxygen. If you do not recompose your spent xuan energy, your body will lose 'energy after energy' until you perish.

This is what happened to his mother. She contracted the disease and this caused her body to exaggeratedly consume too much xuan energy, while at the same time, the recovery of her xuan energy became incredibly reduced to the point that there was almost no xuan energy entering her body. And with the passage of time, her body decayed and decayed until instinctively her body succumbed to a self-produced coma due to an attempt by her body to decrease the expenditure of xuan energy to the maximum.

But it doesn't end here, because this disease is incredibly persistent. Many would believe that by giving energy to the body in the same way Liu Leng did with his mother, would solve the problem, but it is not. Because, as long as one of the thousands of xuan veins in the body remains infected, it wouldn't even take five seconds to reinfect all the other xuan veins and the problem would reappear.

Therefore, the best solution and the only one found by Liu Leng so far, is...

The Second Degree Cold Vein Consolidation Pill!

This Second Degree Pill called Cold Vein Consolidation is a pill specialized in strengthening the constitution of the xuan veins, this pill not only gives an adaptable capacity to the cold to the xuan veins, but also strengthens them and makes them more resistant to cold, but above all and the reason why Liu Leng fixed his gaze on this pill, is that ... can counteract this type of carcinogen diseases that affect the xuan veins!

Liu Leng was completely convinced that if he manages to get one of these pills, he will be able to cure his mother!