
We had twenty minutes to prepare for their arrival. In that time, I had Ashley's entire Shield squad line up in two neat rows on each side of our iron double front doors like an honor guard awaiting guests.

Of course, we made sure their brand new bronze shields and electrum-grade chain mails underneath their midnight blue Foolhardies tabard were spick and span, shining brilliantly under Idunn's light.

Luca's Ravagers lined up in ordered rows on the grounds east of the steps leading up to the entryway. Azuma's Immortals were lined up on the west.

I had Thom's Hazy Moon man the twelve-foot tall broken walls. At least the ones that still had solid footing.

Twenty of the new kobold unit—the ones I hadn't sent out with Thor to acquire intel around the Westmarch—manned the tower's battlements alongside Qwipps' Talons.

I stood by the doors while flanked by Varda on my left and Xanthor on my right.