Crazily enough, Chris Pint gave me this information right at the crack of dawn which left me little time to gather my most trusted officers in order to drop this bomb onto their laps too.
"Are we sure the intel is accurate?" Luca asked.
"The Lord of Stars is our ally now, Luca, so why would he feed us bad information?" Aura reminded him.
"Why though?" Ashley asked. "He doesn't strike me as the helpful type…"
"Perhaps he just wants to mess with you, Commander?" Thom offered.
"Only you would be that unpleasant, Thom," Thor countered.
"Then let's assume the intel is good, what should we do, Commander?" Varda asked.
"Muddamnit, I hate those Scarlet Moon bastards… why do they always want to complicate things," Qwipps added.
"And the Lord of Stars is sure it was Ardeen Spellweaver's scent?" Edo confirmed.
"So, my former contractor is back to cause even more chaos," Azuma chuckled.