Loyal Servants

It was roughly an hour before dawn when we decided to rest in a grassy field that was far enough from the Westermarch war-front that Garm wouldn't be able to send anyone after us.

To those fairies and viseres who'd been up since the previous night, this choice was a welcome boon. We were all tired, and many of us had been injured too. 

Azuma and Luca were both recuperating in the healer's wagon along with two dozen others of our most heavily injured. They were all under the care of Berrian Berrygrove, the elf leader of our small but highly capable healer's squad, and his assistant, Ernak, the drow apothecary who'd originally been part of Thom's group. 

I bought liquor from Shanks' caravan out of my own pocket to give the men to help boost their morale somewhat. Not that they needed it. Beating back a great general and escaping the clutches of the Scarlet Moon once again had already been enough of a morale booster.