
The explosion took the Legions attention off of us for a moment and we managed to gain some distance but, they were managing to keep on us.

We were keeping ahead of them but, just barely.

It turned into a stalemate. They were too far away to be able to shoot us without their sniper, and we couldn't outrun them. It was a test of endurance, whichever group ran out of energy first would lose.

In the first hour I would stop every once in a while and use VATS to take a couple of them out. But, they caught onto that pretty quickly and whenever I turned to shoot them. They would jump to the ground and put up a makeshift shield they made out of their armor.

So I just ended up wasting ammo.

I thought about dropping some mines but, they were watching us like a hawk and I wouldn't have any time to hide them. So it was unlikely to work and they'd just go around the mine.

They chased us all through the night and well into the morning. By this point it was already over 100°F(38°C) and we were all walking a fine line between moving fast enough to outrun/keep up with each other and overheating.

Fortunately me and Cass thought ahead when we heard we were being attacked and ditched most of our food to carry more water. We had stolen a decent amount of it and were drinking as much as necessary to keep cool.

The Legion on the other hand probably didn't expect a chase like this and didn't bring enough water. A couple legionares had already fallen to heat stroke and were left behind by their comrades. But, even with all of that there were still more than 20 people chasing us.

By the time evening came me and Cass were exhausted. She was drenched in sweat and was visibly shaking and I was only slightly better.

If I survived this I resolved to add a couple more points into Endurance.

"We-we have to make a stand now" Cass huffed "I don't think we can go on much longer."

"There's a steep hill over there that's our best option" I pointed to our side.

We changed directions and forced ourselves to climb the hill. When we got to the top we turned around ready to fight expecting the to right behind us.

That's not what happened though.

"Why aren't they coming" Cass wheezed as she finally had a chance to catch her breath?

"They probably realized what were up to and are going to use this as a chance to rest."

"That's good" Cass fell to the ground "It'll give us time to rest too."

"No it's not good" I sighed.

"What" Cass asked looking confused?

"We're still on the outskirts of Legion territory."


"So, I can almost guarantee they're never going to attack us. They're best option is to just wait here until their reinforcements come."

"Crap" Cass cursed as she realized what I was getting at.

"The way I see it there's only four ways this can go down.

First, I'm wrong and they do attack us after their rested. This would be the best option since we are in an easily defensible position.

Second, We take the fight to them to get rid of them before reinforcements arrive. It would be extremely dangerous but, at least we would have the initiative and there's a good chance they won't be expecting it.

Third, we try running all the way to Novac so they would be forced to stop chasing us but, judging by my Pipboy's map it's still at least another day and a half from here. So more than likely we'd just collapse and die way before we even get close.

"And the final option" Cass gulped?

"Their reinforcements arrive we get surrounded and they torture and kill us."

"Right option two it is then" Cass grabbed her gun but, I stopped her.

"We should rest first I know I said we can't wait for their reinforcements to arrive but, we can barely stand. It would be best to rest over night and attack them just before dawn."

She took a deep breath "fine" and unrolled her sleeping bag and immediately started snoring. I didn't go sleep immediately because I could fall asleep instantly and as long as I got over four hours I would wake up fully rested.

I wanted to see if there was anything I could do to tip the odds in our favor. Taking a look at the enemy camp I could see how difficult that would be.

They're camp was the perfect distance away far enough that not even I could get a decent shot, and close enough that they could keep an eye on us.

I thought about trying my hand with the Laser Rifle since it's range is technically infinite. But, I didn't have a high Energy Weapons skill and would probably just end up wasting ammo.

I started going through my backpack to see if I had anything that could help. When my eyes landed on the small chemistry set I took from Nipton.

Before the city was destroyed it was a haven for junkies and drug dealers which was the whole reason the Legion attacked them in the first place. So it followed that there would be equipment in the town for making drugs. And after looking around I managed to find a small travel sized chemistry set in someone's hotel room.

I took it because it could be used for alot more than making Jet and I figured that with my 10 Intelligence and high Science skill it might come in handy at some point, and seeing the list of chemicals and having a perfect recall of my years in highschool science and chemistry I had an idea.

I got to work with a malicious smile on my face.