Turning The Tables

I woke up early just like I always did and saw that most of the Legion camp was still sleeping, except for the unlucky soldiers on night watch.

To avoid alerting them I cooked breakfast on a small hotplate and woke Cass to explain to her what I came up with.

"You know" Cass blinked "I'm really glad that you're not a bad person because I'm honestly terrified of what you could do if you were."

"I'll take that as a compliment" I laughed.

"Do you really think it will work though? You didn't exactly have too many chemicals to work with."

"It's enough" I smiled "besides it's not supposed to kill them just incapacitate them."

"So when do we start" she asked?

"Right now" I said handing her the Grenade Launcher "And remember don't fire until they're chasing us."

She nodded and we quickly packed up camp and left the hill.

We did our best to sneak away. Because even though we had a plan it would still be better to get away unseen. Unfortunately, the Legion was too well trained and were up and after us in only a couple minutes.

We ran north again but, started veering east we did it subtly over an hour to not make it too obvious.

As the sun slowly rose above the horizon it started shining in our eyes but, me and Cass were prepared and were already wearing sunglasses. When we stop to fight the sun would make it that much harder for them to aim at us properly.

I looked over at Cass and she nodded back, it was time to start the plan. She took the Grenade Launcher and fired 5 shots at the Legion.

They didn't hit them as the Legion was keeping their distance and the Grenade Launchers max range was only a couple hundred feet. But, we were never trying to hit them.

Gas started pouring out of the shells slowly filling the air and blocking us from the Legions sight. I spent over two hours last night modifying the grenade rounds removing the explosives and adding in smoke bombs.

The Legion naturally thought we were going to use this as an opportunity to give them the slip but, that wasn't our plan. And we crouched down and were ready to fight.

I readied Ratslayer and Cass loaded actual grenades into the Launcher.

The Legion not wanting to lose us rushed into the smoke. And because they saw Cass use the Grenade Launcher spread out to be harder targets.

While we were waiting I mentally spammed VATS to find them the second they leave the smoke. I took out two or three of them before they realized what was happening and someone gave them an order.

It was for all of them to lay prone until the smoke dispersed.

It was a good idea in theory I couldn't hit them if they were deep in the smoke and at the rate the smoke was clearing out it would be gone in a couple minutes. Not nearly long enough for us to get away.

But, of course that was exactly what I wanted them to think and by the time they realized what was actually happening it would be too late.

It wasn't long before I started hearing pained coughing from inside the smoke and knew my plan had succeeded. Only three of the rounds Cass shot were regular smoke bombs the rest released chlorine gas.

It was honestly terrifyingly easy to make among the list of chemicals I took from Nipton was something called Calcium hypochlorite. It was basically powdered bleach and used to make alot of different drugs. However if it's mixed with a powerful acid it releases chlorine gas as a byproduct.

The regular smoke bombs were just a diversion to make them think the smoke was harmless as the chlorine slowly filled the air. And the best part was that chlorine gas is actually heavier than air so them going prone actually made them breath in even more gas.

Once the realized that the gas was poisonous they knew they were in trouble and that they're best chance was to survive was to rush us. Over two dozen men came rushing out of the smoke brandishing their guns but, it was pointless.

The chlorine gas reacted with any moisture in their bodies turning it into hydrochloric acid. Burning their eyes and lung all but, disabling them especially with the sun in their eyes.

It was almost too easy taking them all out and by the end of it most of them were on the ground begging us to kill them.

Once they were all dead we waited another hour for the gas to disperse before going in to clean up the mess.

We already had plenty of experience looting dead legionares so it didn't take to long. Aside from all the normal loot I managed to find a copy of their marching orders.

It ended up explaining alot. Apparently one of the Legionaries I shot was still barely alive and was brought back to the raid camp and managed to give a vague description of us and the direction we left in. Once they found out I was the one who killed Vulpis Inculta and the general direction we lived in it was only a matter of time before they found us.

They planned to raid Brock Flower Cave and catch us in our sleep. But, they didn't know about ED-D and his abilities.

As soon as we were done we loaded everything up and made for Nipton like our lives depended on it. Just in case reinforcements really were on the way.

The rest of the day we were on guard but, in the end nothing happened and no one was following us. We were now only a couple miles away from Nipton and set up camp for the last time before arriving.