
After selling off all of my junk and buying That Gun I stopped at a street stall and bought some food to take back to Cass. But, when I brought it to her room she yelled at me for waking her up apparently she was planning on staying in bed all day and didn't want me to bother her.

So I left her half of the money and went back into town. I mentally went through all of the quests I could start in town.

The first thing that came to mind was Boone's quest to figure out who sold his wife to the Legion. Unfortunately even though I already knew who did it I didn't have any evidence. Jeannie May keeps the receipt she got from the Legion in her safe but, it's an Advanced Lock and needs a Lockpick skill of 50 to open.

So I would need to level up at least twice to open it since my Lockpick skill was only at 30. That meant I had to put off recruiting Boone off for a little while longer.

The next quest that came to mind was "Come Fly With Me" which was the one where you help a bunch of ghouls fix their rocket. It was one of the wackier questions but, gave alot of EXP if I remembered right.

There were a couple other quests but, weren't that big a deal. Like stopping a Nightkin from stealing a ranchers brahmin and going to Ranger station's Alpha and Charlie to check on the because they haven't been reporting in.

Finding Manny Vargas was easy since it was well into the day now he was up in the T-rex mouth protecting the town.

I knocked on the door to let him know I was here. It wasn't locked or anything but, it didn't seem like a good idea to sneak up on a trained soldier.

I heard some shuffling from the other side before Manny opened the door.

He was a tall tan skinned man who looked to be of hispanic descent and had thin wispy mustache and goatee. His rifle was slung over his back and he wore a reinforced grey striped jacket and his NCR beret.

"What's happening man" he said in a relaxed way.

"You're Manny Vargas right? I heard you have a ghoul problem and have come to offer my services."

He crossed his arms "is that so? And what makes you think you qualified to clear out an entire nest of ghouls?"

I shrugged "just ask the Legion I've probably killed over a hundred of them at their raid camp down south."

His eyes widened "That was you! There have been reports of the Legion going crazy down there chasing who ever was taking out their patrols. If that really was you then a couple of ghouls won't be a problem."

"So, can you give me some more specifics about the job?"

"Right" he nodded "Well, Novac is my home I like it here and want stat here for good. Had to leave too many other homes behind but, to only resource we got here is junk. Without that we wouldn't have anything to trade and we'd all have to leave.

We get most of our junk up the road west of here at the old rocket test site at Repconn. But, a bunch of ghouls showed up one day and took it over. No one can get in there now and the towns slowly dying.

I'd take care of it myself but, I can't leave the town undefended. All it takes is for the Legion to sense a bit of weakness and they swarm in. Hell, they even recently took fort Nelson just east of here so I can't be too careful."

I nodded "so you just want me to go in there and force out all the ghouls?"

"Yep, and I don't care how you do it just get it done. The town might not last too much longer."

"Got it, now about my pay."

He held up a hand to stop me "Our town isn't very rich but, I'm kind of a voice of reason around here. If I ask I could probably get some of the towns people to pitch in some money."

"Perfect" I smiled and reached out my hand.

He grabbed it and we shook hands "By the way I didn't get your name did I" he asked?

"You can call me Devin" I told him "and I'm the leader of a mercenary group."

"Oh, is it a new group? What are you called?"

"You know I've had alot of problems coming up with a name but, in the end I decided to just keep it simple. You can just call us the Couriers.

With my business with Manny done I went about starting the other quests. The rancher agreed to pay me for stopping the attacks on his cattle and even said he'd throw in some free steak.

And lastly I talked to Ranger Andy about the loss of communication at the Ranger station's. He didn't really want to talk to me at first but, because extremely enthusiastic when he heard I was the one harassing the Legion the passed month.

I even managed to convince him to teach me the Ranger Takedown. An NCR martial arts move designed to knock your opponent to the ground. It was shockingly easy to learn but, that probably had something to do with it being an unofficial perk in the game.

The move itself was just getting your leg behind you opponents and then striking the in their chest causing them to trip over you leg. It was simple but effective.

I was never going to specialize in hand to hand combat but, it wouldn't hurt to know a few extra tricks.

After initiating all the quests I had done everything I wanted today, so I chose to follow Cass's lead and went to rest in my hotel room for the rest of the day.