Come Fly With Me Part 1

"What did you say" Cass asked while finishing her third bottle of whiskey?

"We got hired for a couple jobs" I said as I handed her a new bottle.

"Not that" she got angry "the second part!"

"Oh, that" I over acted! "We're going to split up. We have multiple jobs and this will be more efficient."

She took a big gulp of whiskey then wiped her mouth off "I'd just like to say this is a bad idea."

"Why would you say that" I asked honestly confused?

"Because I've barely known you two months and in that time you've cleared out an entire ant nest, fought your way through a cave of giant rats, and nearly single handedly pissed off an entire camp of Legion soldiers. Forgive me if I think that whatever jobs you've gotten us are going to be any easier."

I laughed "I'm only going to and abandoned rocket test sight to fight my way through an army of feral ghouls and nightkin."

She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose "I'm going to need more whiskey."

"Don't worry" I patted her on the back "your job is going to be alot more normal."

"Alright, what is it" she asked looking almost defeated?

"You have to go and check two Ranger station's that haven't broadcast any updates in several days."

"Great" she flung her arms out "I get to see more dead bodies."

"I know it sucks but, it needs to be done. Here" I handed here a map with the Ranger station's marked on it "I assume you can find you way there."

She took the map and glanced over it "what about the Legion these stations are near their territory?"

"Take ED-D with you. You've learned the basics of Morse code so he should be able to help you avoid any patrols."

"Beep" ED-D screamed!

"What about you" Cass shouted "Are you telling me your going to go into a place infested with ghouls and not bring any backup!"

"Yep" I confidently nodded. "I have a pretty good idea of what's going on there and am pretty confident I can handle it myself. Besides ED-D's sensors don't work indoors and the path to the Repconn test site is inside a gorge so he won't be that much help there either."

"Huff, fine just don't get yourself killed" Cass rolled her eyes "I don't want that on my conscience."

"Great" I clapped "you don't have to go right now considering it'll be a two or three day trip to the Ranger station's. So go ahead and rest for a day or two."

"And what'll you be doing?"

"I'm going to get a headstart on my job. I have a feeling it's going take a while for me to complete."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Later that night I was traveling down the old crumbling road that lead to the rocket test site. I had Ratslayer slung over my shoulder and ready.

In the game this road was infested with ghouls, so I was taking my time to make I wasn't spotted. From what I remembered there should have only been around ten or so ghouls here but, things like that have been pretty inconsistent.

Sometimes an encounter is just like it was in the game with only a few enemies. But, then there were things like the ant nest and the raid camp that literally had hundreds of enemies in them. So I wasn't planning on taking any chances and would retreat at the first sign of trouble.

I stopped walking and took Ratslayer out and crouched down. I would do this periodically and use its scope to scout out anything in the distance.

And wouldn't you know it there were two ghouls aimlessly staggering around and twitching around 700 feet in front of me.

Ghouls might be some of the fastest and most relentless creatures in the wasteland but, they were also compete idiots. Even wild animals know how to keep out of sight.

It was almost too easy to take them out. I had plenty of time to aim before a bullet silently bored it's way into the first ghouls skull.

The other ghoul didn't even react and just kept shambling on unawares that I killed its friend. I then lined up my second shot before dropping the other ghoul.

I smirked, not because of the kills but, because I finally leveled up again reach level 17. I dumped all of the Skill points into Lockpick bringing it up to 45 and continued on my way. Unfortunately I couldn't get a new Perk but, that was okay since I would probably level up again at the end of this job, since quests always give the most EXP.

The road winded deeper into the gorge as steep cliff walls rose on either side of me. The enclosed space making it practically impossible for anything to sneak up on me.

Though I keep my ears open for any suspicious noise and spammed VATS once ever minute or so. Just in case any stealthed nightkin tried to sneak up on me. I would be able to use VATS to hit them but, it would at least let me know they were there.

Eventually I came upon a giant concrete overpass that was reinforced with all kinds of scrap metal and barbed wire. After double checking that there weren't any enemies nearby I move in closer to examine the area.

There were two dead ghouls and several piles of ash spread out through the overpass.

The ghouls were wearing bright red robes and had Laser Rifles near their corpses. They must have been member of the Bright Brotherhood the cult of ghouls that were trying to fix the rockets here. And the piles of ash are what I can only assume as dead nightkin that were disintegrated during the fight.

I scavenged the area and found a couple locked ammo boxes that I was able to open. Inside was some Microfusion cell ammo for the Laser Rifles as well as a couple Frag mines and Grenades.

I loaded everything up in my backpack and made my way through the tunnel. The tunnel itself was over a hundred feet long and was big enough to fit a building in. But, I guess it needed to be that large if they were moving rockets through it.

Moving through the tunnel was incredibly eerie it was incredibly dark inside even with my night vision. My footsteps echoed like thunder with each step I took. And it didn't help that I kept imagining what would happen if a deathclaw suddenly appeared at one of the ends.

Thankfully it wasn't long before I came out the other side, and what I saw took my breath away.

It felt like I just arrived on another planet! There were several giant domes dotted around the perimeter of the main complex that was itself a massive concrete behemoth that looked like it was capable of withstanding a direct nuclear strike. And all of that was situated inside what I could only describe as an impact crater made by an ancient meteorite.

If the Repconn test sight was already this amazing I could even imagine what it will be like when I finaly go to the Big Empty.