Come Fly With Me Part 2

The road led down into the crater and ended in front of the main building in a round about circling a statue of a rocket. I held off going down just yet because I could see twenty or so ghouls wandering around.

I could take them but, it would require a bit of planning, and after a bit of work I got everything in place.

I crouched down on top of the hill by the tunnel and took aim.


I fire taking out one of the ghouls and quickly changed targets to take as many of them out as possible before they noticed.

"Bang, Bang, Bang!"

By the time the fourth ghoul fell they finally noticed something was wrong and started raging like a swarm of angry wasps.

"Bang" I fired again getting another headshot but, one of the ghouls must have seen my muzzle flash because it started charging towards me. And was followed not long after by the rest of the horde.

It was time to start phase two of my plan, I jumped up and sprinted back into the tunnel. By the time I reach the other end I could hear that the horde was just about to enter the tunnel.

I spun around and immediately activated VATS and selected as many headshots as I could.

Three more ghouls instantly fell dead to the ground. The ghouls were now officially in the tunnel and my plan could truly begin.


One of the ghouls stepped on a mine I placed and blew himself and another ghoul up.

I had already killed over ten ghouls but, there were still around twelve of them charging me in the tunnel. But, I wasn't scared I had three more mines placed and the tunnel was literally the perfect place to snipe. It was just a long narrow space with no obstacles.

I kept firing as they tripped the mines and got closer and closer. Eventually there were only three of them left but, they were only twenty feet away and would be on me in seconds.

I fired one last shot with Ratslayer taking the number down to two and threw it aside. They were too close now for a Rifle to be much use.

As I drew That Gun from my holster the distance was down to ten feet. They were so close I could smell their disgusting stench and had to stop myself from vomiting.

"Bang" I fired That Gun literally blowing a ghouls head off. But, something unexpected happened the recoil was too strong and That Gun threw itself from my hand. Now I was defenseless with a ghoul less than five feet from me.

My mind jumped into overdrive I knew from memory that in their first charge ghouls tend to take a flying leap at their opponents. It's extremely dangerous if it hits but, if they miss they go flying passed and have to take a moment to get back up.

On reflex I rolled to the side avoid the ghoul as it sailed past. A flood of thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to figure out what to do next.

I could grab Ratslayer but, it was way to close for me to be able to use it effectively. I didn't know where That Gun was thrown to so that was also out. And I couldn't use the Grenade Launcher on my back without also blowing myself up.

So without any other choice I drew the Hunting knife Sunny gave me when she first took me out back in Goodsprings.

The ghoul lifted itself back up and turned its head menacingly towards me and glared out of the corner of its bloodshot eyes. And let out a blood curling screech before lunging at me.

It swiped at my shoulder with its jagged nails. I tried to block but, my Unarmed skill was only 19 and ended up getting a bloody gash on my arm. Strangely I didn't feel any pain in that moment even though I knew I was injured.

I could see it getting ready for another attack, if I didn't want to get ripped to shreds I had to act fast.

Fighting against every sane part of me I took a step closer to the ghoul. Moving too close for it to swing at me. From that point on it felt like my body was moving in autopilot. I moved my foot behind its leg and used my weight to throw it to the ground.

I had used the Ranger Takedown!

Not wasting a second I jumped onto it using my knee's to pin its arms and repeatedly stabbed it in the throat. It thrashed underneath me as a strange hissing sound came from its wound and blood gurgled out from its neck.

Eventually it stopped moving and I dropped my knife to the ground and rolling to the side.

I did both but, stare at the star filled sky and wondered what the hell I was doing with my life. Did I really need to be out here in the middle of nowhere risking my life for other people? I mean when I first arrived here I followed the story line because I was scared and had no where to go. But, did I really have to complete the story?

"Ahh" I was torn from my thoughts as pain ripped through my arm. "Oh, right I'm hurt" I laughed.

I turned on my Pipboy light to get a better view of my wound and cringed at the sight of it. There was a long horizontal slash going right through my forearm.

I looked over at the dead ghoul and noticed its nails. They were jagged and black definitely not something you'd want to cut you.

I sighed and took my medical equipment out of my backpack. My wound would need to be disinfected and sutured closed but, before that there was something I wanted to try.

I carefully took a Stimpak out of the First Aid kit and jabbed it into my arm.

I had only been seriously hurt once before in this world and that was when the queen ant shot me with a some of her acid. And I decided to use healing powder instead of a Stimpak because it was only a light wound and I didn't have too many Stimpak's at the time. But, now was different. I was going into dangerous territory and needed to be at my best and healed as soon as possible.

Using my limited medical knowledge of 30 I did my best to examine what was happening to my body.

Once the Stimpak was injected into my body my heart beat instantly jumped through the roof and I began taking deep gulps of air. And as if by magic my wound slowly started to close before my eyes.

It took around half an hour for it to seal completely but, when it did it was is if I was never injured in the first place. There wasn't even a scar.

The only explanation I could come up with was that whatever was in the Stimpak kicked my metabolism into hyperdrive causing my body to heal at an accelerated rate, like Tsunade's ability from Naruto.

As I tried to stand up I found more evidence for my theory. My entire body was weak and shaking, I was incredibly hungry, and I felt like I might have lost a bit of weight.

It seemed like Stimpak's were the kind of thing you only use as a last resort.

Ignoring my fatigue I gathered my guns. I stood there staring at That Gun laying on the ground and wondered what the hell happened.

Everything would have gone perfectly if I had managed to hold on to it.

Picking it up I decided to examine it in my inventory. That's right the Pipboy did actually have an inventory. It just wasn't able to actually store things in it. What it did do however was list out ever item I have in my possession and give detailed information about them.

So I brought up That Gun in the menu and facepalmed when I read it.

"Damn it" I cursed "how could I be so stupid!"

I actually forgot that I needed to meet certain stat requirements to use some guns and That Gun was one of them.

If I wanted to use it I wound need at least 6 Strength. That's because it wasn't a normal Pistol it used larger and more powerful Rifle rounds, so of course it would have more recoil.

I slapped myself I really needed to be more careful. If I hadn't learned the Ranger Takedown before I came here I might have died!

I vowed to myself that from now on I would make sure to check every weapon I use from now on and to test fire them to make sure nothing is wrong.

I also vowed to expand my skills more because you never know what could save your life.