Come Fly With Me Part 3

The rusted double doors creaked slightly as I entered the main building. I left the door open behind me in case I needed to run and was about to proceed when the intercom on the far wall crackled to life.

"Hey! Over here! Can you hear me? If you can go to the big room on the east side of the building and take the metal staircase all the way up. And hurry!"

"How did you know I'm here" I asked "I don't see any cameras in this room?"

"That doesn't matter smoothskin. Now, stop wasting time and get up here!"

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the hulking corpse in the middle of the room.

It was a nightkin, it had deep blue skin and was wearing a hooded leather armor and had a stop sign strapped to its wrist like a makeshift shield. But, none of that was what I was interested in. What I wanted was the Stealthboy hanging from its waist.

It was a large rectangular device inside a leather case. I undid it from the nightkin's belt and put it in my backpack adding itself to the list of things I couldn't wait to take apart.

I was tempted to activate it now and sneak through the building but, I decided to check things out first before making a decision.

I got into my sneaking position and went to open the door to my far right. I remembered this place being a maze in the game and it was probably even more so now. That didn't dissuade me though I was planning on clearing this place of all the ghouls and seeing if there was any interesting loot lying around.

The door open to a staircase that lead to the second floor balcony in the receptionist area I just entered from. I carefully avoided the strangely placed bear trap at the top of the stairs.

One interesting thing I noticed was that all of the doors are closed. I don't know if it was the bright brotherhood or the nightkin but, it made me wonder.

Ghouls are extremely stupid, stupid enough that I refused to believe that they knew how to open a door. Adding to that they weren't very strong either, at least they weren't that much stronger than an average human. So if the ghouls were all isolated in different room and hallways with their doors closed. Then even if they knew I was here they'd still be trapped in their rooms and won't be able to do anything about it.

With a bit more confidence I went about exploring the facility. I ended up running into more ghouls but, never in groups of more than two or three. So if I used VATS I could take them out without alerting any other ghouls in the area. Then I would wait a little for my AP to refill and continue on my way.

It was a slow process but, after what happened earlier I wasn't going to take anymore chances. In the end it took me over five our to kill the all of the ghouls in the building.

But, once I was done I could finally get going on my new favorite activity, looting!

In most of the building there wasn't anything other than the normal bits and bobs you find in old ruins. There were of course more dead Bright Brotherhood members scattered around and I managed to get some more ammo and a couple Plasma Rifles but, nothing too crazy.

The only interesting things I found were two locked doors. Thankfully they were both Easy locks so I could open them. One just ended up being a storage closet but, the other was a small office with a skeleton leaning up against a safe.

Maybe after the bombs dropped all of his coworkers turned into ghouls and he chose to hide out in there? Or maybe he was a scavenger like me and got stuck in here while running away after realizing how dangerous this place was?

Either way it didn't matter. What did matter was the Scoped Hunting Revolver he was holding in his hand. I picked it up to get more information.

Apparently it fire .45-70 Gov't round that were basically just old school large caliber bullets. The gun was basically an antique but, I knew it could do huge amounts of damage.

Unfortunately after checking it also required at least 6 points in Strength so I couldn't use it yet either.

Next I moved onto the safe it also had an Easy level lock so it only took a moment to crack. And inside of it besides the useless prewar money was two more Stealtboys! I quickly loaded them up before any nightkin passed by a decided to try and steal them from me.

After I finished looting everything it was time to proceed with the quest.

It wasn't hard to find the big room, and it was even harder to miss all the dead ghouls and nightkin covering the floor.

The room itself seemed like some kind of inspection point for newly built rockets. Their was some kind of crane system holding a rocket above and a metal catwalk which was the metal staircase previously mentioned.

Climbing to the top and the end of a long hallway was another intercom and a locked door. I walked over to the intercom and pressed the big red button on its face.

"Alright, I'm here" I spoke.

There was a moment of silence and the gruff voice from earlier came through.

"You sure took your time getting here smothskin" he snapped.

"Whatever" I scoffed "like it's easy to make your way a building filled to the brim with feral ghouls."

"Yeah, well fuck you! Some of us actually wanted to sleep tonight. Ugh, whatever I'm letting you in smoothskin just make sure to watch yourself. Because I'm sure as hell going to be watching you."

After that there was a clanking sound and the door in front of me unlocked.

I opened up the door and inside was a bald middle aged man in a lab coat. He look me up and down for a moment before sneering.

"God, your ugly! Get up there and see Jason before I vomit all over."

I walked passed him as he dry heaved and did my best not to be offended. Through a lab and up another set of stairs I saw him.

A man in bright red pinstriped suit and polished black shoes was busy at some kind of workstation. What was most striking about him though wasn't his suit, or even the fact that he was a ghoul. It was that he was literally glowing bright green!

From everything I could remember from any of the Fallout game this was the only man to ever become a glowing one and retain his sanity.

He was Jason Bright.