Come Fly With Me Part 5

"Come and get me you ugly fu- hey? Your not one of those things out there. Who the hell are you" an angry looking ghoul asked from the second floor of the room I just unlocked.

"Jason sent me down here to get rid of the 'demons'."

He scoffed "yeah, I bet he pulled that creator's will crap to convince you to come down here and risk your ass instead of him, right?"

"Yeah, that cult stuff gets old really quickly doesn't it" I joked.

"Tch, at least you never had to live with him. Hey, since you're in here does that mean those invisible bastards are gone?"

"Yep, I managed to convince their leader to leave peacefully."

"Huh, didn't take them as the negotiating type but, I guess me off all people should know not to judge a book by its cover."

"Yeah, they're completely insane but, Davison their leader seemed like a decent enough person. If you ignore the talking brahmin skull."

"I'm just going to pretend I know what you're talking about" he said as he carefully navigated around the improvised minefield he set up. "names Harland by the way."

"I'm Devin."

"Well, Devin" he clapped my shoulder "it was good meeting you but, I've been trapped down here for days and am tired of crapping in a bucket."

"Your going to look for your friend right" I asked in a quiet voice."

"Yeah! How did you know did that Davison guy say anything abou-" he stopped cold when he saw the look on my face.

"I'm sorry" I said "but, your friend is dead."

"Damn it" he cursed "those blue skinned bastards! How could they do something like that! She was already their prisoner!"

"I don't know how it happened but, nightkin are crazy. They have been over using Stealthboy's for far to long and most of them have sever schizophrenia. One moment they might be happy and nice and the next their ripping your head off."

He sighed "Did they at least leave her body?"

I nodded "she should be in the far end of the basement in the area with all the barrels."

"Thanks" he whispered before silently walking off.

I took a deep breath that was not fun at all but, it was something that had to be done.

I took the next half hour to disarm all of the bear traps and frag mines hidden around the room. There were a couple close calls but, I managed to avoid triggering any of them. And by the end of it I got my hands on 12 extra mines! They would definitely come in handy at some point.

Now I had to head back up to Jason Bright so he can send me on that fetch quest to get materials for his rockets.

Back up at the lab I found Jason and his followers in a flurry of activity.

"My flock have told me that the demons have had a mass exodus from the building. I don't know how you did it stranger but, the way is now clear. I will now lead us down to the sacred site! Come with us wanderer there is still much to be done."

I followed Jason and his cult down into the basement and passed the room where I met Davison. Jason activated a switch on the wall and the metal grates on the floor opened to reveal a new passageway.

I was led into a massive control room while the rest of the ghouls went down to prepare the rockets.

Me and Jason stood in front of a glass window and watched as the ghouls got to work.

"I need to speak with you one last time before I also descend onto the launchpad wanderer. I want you to know you will be remembered for all eternity for ushering ushering us to the threshold of the great journey. Are preparations are nearly complete but, we are still missing a few vital components. If you still wish to help us wanderer speak to Chris he can tell you what we are missing."

"Chris, is the guy who thinks he's a ghoul right?"

"Yes" Jason nodded seeming a bit sheepish "when Chris came to us we . . . tried to convince him he was human. But, this only angered him. He seemed lost we decided to let him stay with us for a few days and learned how his technical prowess far exceeded our own."

"So you chose to let him believe he was a ghoul while he finished your rockets. Do I have that right?"

"Do not judge us to harshly wanderer. We have tried on many occasions to convince him of his humanity but, failed every time."

"Okay but, what are you going to do when it's time to leave? There's enough radiation down there to kill a human ten times over."

"That is where you come in, it is no coincidence that two human have been vital to our journey. Clearly the creator has chosen you to act in his stead."

"You want me to be the one to break the news to him don't you."

"It would be very much appreciated" Jason solemnly bowed.

"Fine, I'll do it" I rolled my eyes.

"Excellent" Jason beamed "now if you'll excuse me there is still much work to be done."

Not long after Jason left Chris entered the command center "Jason says I'm supposed cooperate with you on the final launch preparations."

"Okay, so what do you need from me?"

"We're still missing sever important components that I'll need you to gather.There are two things missing, I need a barrel of Isotope-239 igniting agent and a set of thrust control modules.

The igniting agent is extremely radioactive and decays quickly, that's why we can't use the drums leaking onto the launchpad. So you need to find me an intact, shielded container of the stuff.

As for the thrust control modules, they were custom built for these rockets. They won't even launch without them."

"Any ideas where I can begin looking" I asked?

"Repconn has been ransacked by so many scavengers the years it's not even half of what it once was. So it's hard to know where the components we want might turn up. Jason has mentioned some industrial ruins to the east that might be a good place to start looking for the igniting agent. And as for the control modules you could try Gibson's scrap yard, that old bats been collecting things since before Ceasar was a twinkle in his father's eye. If anyone has what we're looking for it's her."

I thanked Chris for his help and thought about telling him he was human now but, decided it might be a better idea to wait until he finishes his work. Just in case I couldn't convince him to give up on revenge.