Come Fly With Me Part 6

I avoid having to go all the way through the Repconn building to leave by take a small ladder near the command center up to the surface.

The sky was beginning to brighten for the day and it was time to head back to Novac.

I had some work to do if I wanted to get both of the parts I need. The igniting agent wouldn't be hard to find but, is going to be surrounded by Golden Geckos the strongest variant of gecko. And there will probably be dozens of them.

As for the control modules those would be a different kind of difficult to get. I would have to buy them and after my recent shopping spree I was flat broke. Luckily my Speech skill was high so I could probably convince old lady Gibson to reduce the price but, from what I remember it will still be around 250 caps.

The trip back to Novac was uneventful since I already cleared the path earlier. So I passed the time by listening to the radio, mostly to Tabitha over at Black Mountain. She was a bat shit crazy super mutant supremacist but, hell if she wasn't entertaining.

By the time I finally got into town it was already noon. I went to check on Cass but, apparently she already left to go check the ranger station's.

So with nothing else to do I went to check in with Manny.

"I see your still alive" he quipped "which means either you gave up or the ghouls are gone."

"It neither" I corrected him "most of the feral ghouls are gone but, there's actually a cult of ghouls living there now called the Bright Brotherhood."

"A cult, Seriously? That's the last thing we need right now, crazy ghouls trying to sacrifice us to their god."

"Actually they aren't the sacrifice your first born son kind of cult. They're more of the bake you a pie, so polite they're creepy kind of cult."

"Of course they are" he sighed "so, do you think you can get them to leave?"

"See that's the thing" I scratched my neck "they are already planning on leaving."

"Come, again?"

"They believe in this thing called the great journey, that's why they're over at Repconn. They're building rockets to take them to wherever it is they're going."

"So the problem was going to solve itself the whole time? Why did I even hire you then?"

"I wouldn't go that far. Before I got there they had a nightkin problem and were making no progress on the rockets."

"Wait, nightkin! There are nightkin over there!"

"Well, not anymore" I shrugged. "Anyway we're getting off topic they still need two things to fix the rockets. On of them is at Clark Field and will take some effort to get. And old lady Gibson has the other, some thrust control modules the problem is I don't have the money to buy them off her."

"So what did you come to me for?"

"I wanted to ask for a 250 cap advance on my payment."

"Hell no! You don't get paid until the ghouls are gone!"

"But, they won't be able to leave without that part" I argued.

"Look" he huffed "how about this. I send someone over to Gibson's to collect the part for you. Then we'll just take the cost of the thing out of your pay."

I shrugged "that's fine but, make sure you bring around 500 caps. The only reason I said 250 was because I was confident in being able to sweet talk her into giving me a discount."

"Whatever" he waved me off "just hurry up and get going to Clark Field already. I just want this whole mess to be over with already."

With that sorted out I would have one less thing to worry about. Hopefully they would have the part by the time I get back with the igniting agent.

Clark Field was around half a day from Novac so it would be sun down by the time I get there. It was moments like these that made me glad I didn't get tired or need to sleep. Though I still did it most of the time anyway to not seem weird to Cass and also to get the Exp boost.

The trip was uneventful but, I did my best to constantly stay on alert since I didn't have ED-D to warn me of any ambushes.

Clark Field was an old power station and storage depot before the war. So there was a huge amount of uranium or whatever nuclear material they used stored there. Which made the place incredibly radioactive in the present, especially since it was bombed at one point.

Now though it was just a pile of rubble that was home to some radioactive geckos.

I didn't even have to enter the ruin to find what I was looking for. A giant blue barrel and a dead guy in a bright yellow hazmat suit aren't exactly hard to spot.

The sun was still up at this point and I decided to wait until dark to go in. I wanted to try and do this without without having to fight. I had painful memories of being killed by these stupid geckos in the game.

Once the sun went down I snuck my way over to the barrel. I didn't even bother with the dead Mr.RADical and his suit. He had probably been laying here for baking in the hot sun, and I really didn't want to know what kind of mess he was under that hazmat suit.

It was at that point I realized I made another enormous mistake. How was I going to get the barrel back. In the game you just clicked and it would just disappear into your hammer space but, I didn't have anything like that. And believe me I made absolutely sure I didn't have an inventory.

I pushed the barrel just to see how much it weighed and was surprised by how light it actually was.

I expected it to be full but, there was hardly any fluid in it! Bending down I hoisted it onto my shoulder. It wasn't easy or comfortable but, I could do it.

Shaking my head I realized I was over thinking it. Mr.RADical managed to get it out here by himself and that guy was an idiot!