Come Fly With Me Part 7

Lugging the barrel back was annoying but, manageable and I managed to avoid getting attacked by any golden geckos and finally made it back to Novac around midnight.

Since it was so late pretty much everyone except Boone was asleep. So with nothing better to do I went and checked on my other quest to stop a ranchers brahmin from being killed overnight.

I knew it was a lone nightkin doing the killing so I waited to do this until after I convinced Davison to leave. Thinking it might follow his brethren when the went.

Unfortunately for him though he didn't go.

I spotted him stealthed with VATS. He was crouched behind a rock and mumbling something about voices in his head and occasionally glaring over at the brahmin.

He was clearly beyond help and I fired two shot into his head ending his suffering. Thankfully he thought I didn't know he was there so it was easy to get close enough to get a good shot.

I looted his body for his Stealthboy and returned to my motel room to sleep through the rest of the night. I had bought another night when I passed through earlier.

I figured it would take awhile for whomever Manny sent to old lady Gibson's to get the control modules so I slept in bed till noon.

I was woken up by a loud knocking on my door, it was Manny Vargas.

And in his hands were what I recognized as the control modules.

"Here take these" he handed them to me "and just so you know. With how much those cost I doubt you'll be getting paid much when this is over."

I laughed "that's fine" and went to get my gear together while Manny left and mumbled about how weird I was. Before he was gone I remembered something and yelled at him to keep his eyes on the sky today.

I really didn't care about the little amount of money I'd get from this job. I had been talking with Cass and realized that there was I could make a crazy amounts of money once I finally get to The Strip. And that's ignoring the fact that I'm planning to bleed the Sierra Madre dry at some point in the not to distant future.

The real reason I was doing this quest was because I wanted the Exp, and also because it was one of the funnest quests in the game.

I left town once again not long after with a barrel tied to my back and carrying my backpack in my arms.

The trip back to Repconn was just as uneventful as expected and I got there in record time.

I lifted the manhole cover off entrance to the tunnels and lowered the barrel down with the rope I brought, then climbed down myself.

"You're back already" Chris looked at the barrel over my shoulder? "I thought it would take you at least a week to get the stuff." He shook his head "whatever put it down over there. Now all we need are those thrust control modules and we can-"

"I actually have those too" I said pulling them out of my backpack.

His eyes widened and a huge grin appeared on his face "now that we have both it won't take even half an hour to get the rockets into the sky. This is fantastic! I have to let Jason know everything is ready now."

"Wait" I said grabbing him "before you finish everything there's something you should know."

"Let go of me smoothskin" he yanked himself away.

"Jason wanted me to tell you something before this was all finished."

"What" he asked clearly confused by what was happening.

"There's no easy way to do this so I won't sugar coat it" I looked him in the eye "your not a ghoul."

"What are you talking about you stupid smoothskin! Of course I'm a ghoul can't you see my-"

"Okay" I interrupted him "then how come Jason has never let you go down to the launchpad?"

"That's because he said it's more important for me to be up here doing-"

"No, it because the radiation down there would kill you. And what about the feral ghouls has he ever let you be around them?"

"W-why would I want to spend any time with those disgusting-"

"It's because they would recognize you as a human and attack you."

"No, no no you're wrong" he screamed.

"And lastly I've been around this entire building and haven't seen a single mirror. Tell me when was the last time you saw your reflection."

I pull out a small mirror I had prepared and shoved it in his face.

"No, no no no no" he whimpered while getting quieter and quieter. Eventually he was curled up in a ball on the floor.

I wasn't sure what to say at this point to comfort him but, before I could think anymore he started standing up with a fierce expression on his face.

He sure changed moods quickly I thought to myself.

He seemed like he made some sort of decision and walked up to me.

"Help he get revenge" he growled.

"No" was my simple answer.

"Why not" he screamed! "They tricked me! Stole years from my life just so they could finish these stupid rockets!"

"Because I can tell from the look in your eye that by revenge you mean kill them and I won't do that."

"If you won't help me then I'll do it myself" he huffed!

I stopped him again "You don't want to do this I warned him. If you hurt them you'll regret it for the rest of your life."

"Then what am I supposed to do then" he cried as tears started streaming down his face?

I could tell from looking at him he didn't really want to kill all the ghouls. He was just feeling betrayed and didn't know how to vent his feelings.

"Well, for starters" I said you could call Jason up here and beat the shit out of him. "I won't let you kill him but, that doesn't mean he doesn't deserve a good ass kicking."

"That sounds like a great idea" he wiped the tears from his eyes "but, he wasn't the only one who lied to me. All of them did!"

I took a second to think of a nonviolent way to get back at the rest of the Bright Brotherhood and grinned when I finally thought of something. I explained my plan to Chris because I wasn't sure the rockets had what we needed on them for this to work.

"Hahahahaha" Chris broke in laughter after he heard what I wanted to do. "That's amazing I can't even begin to imagine how much they'll hate that" he began slapping his thigh.

"So you can do it" I asked?

"Y-yeah" he said wiping away a tear "I-it won't even take a second. And the best part is they won't even be able to do anything about it once the rockets launch."

With everything settled we began our malicious plan for revenge.