Come Fly With Me Part 8 (Finale)

"Alright, I'm here" I spoke into the intercom.

"Good" Chris replied "just wait there for a bit, we still need to go through the pre launch check list."

"Roger' that" I took my thumb off the button and sat down.

After giving Chris the parts he was missing and convincing him not to go postal. He sent me back up to the main facility. Apperently there was a fail safe to stop accidental launches and you needed to initiate the firing sequence from three different places. First from the command center where Chris was, then from inside the rockets themselves, and finally from up in the observation tower where I was.

Basically I just needed to wait until Chris called me again and hit the big red button by the window.

I had a bit of free time so I turned to the console on the side of the room. In the game you could use it to reprogram the rockets flight path and I was curious where they were flying to since I didn't actually know.

The monitor was filled with all kinds of complicated equations thrust vectors, apoapsis and periapsis, and other things like that. Luckily, my years of playing Kerbal space program in my highschool computer room were paying off and I could understand everything.

Looking everything over I finally figured out where Jason was trying to go. He was actually trying to get to the moon!

Apperently there was some secret government base still up there from pre-war. It actually made alot of sense when I thought about it.

Ghouls could easily survive the small amount radiation on the moon. Plus, they don't need food, water, or oxygen like humans do even though I'm not 100% sure about that part. At the very least they don't need as much of those things as humans do. Hell, that kid from Fallout 4 survived for 200 years trapped in a fridge and there were dozens of cases across the games of ghouls being locked in rooms or other spaces for years and still living.

After going through all of Chris's math for the launch and moon landing I found a flaw in some of his numbers. Though it wasn't exactly wrong it was just that he accidentally used the metric system in one place instead of the imperial one.

Fortunately it wasn't in the launch trajectory part of the equations but, the landing part. So it wouldn't kill them it would just make them land farther away from their destination. It was an easy fix and now they'd be landing right next to their destination.

"Hey smoothskin" Chris called "were getting ready to do the final count down."

"Last time I checked your skin was pretty smooth too" I quipped.

"Sorry force of habit" mumbled "anyway Jason wanted to say a few words to you before we get going."

The intercom crackled a bit before Jason's voice echoed out of it "This is it stranger thanks to you me and my flock can finally find our paradise. I know your initial goal in coming here was not to help us but, nonetheless I believe that you were guided here by the creator to usher in our age of prosperity. This monume-"

"Jason" I cut him off "I know you like your speeches but, I think it would be best if we cut this short."

"Ahem" he cleared his throat "very well stranger, though after all this calling you that seems inappropriate. Your name was Devin correct? Then from now until the end of time my people will remember you as Saint Devin! Bane of Demons! Gatherer of the final pieces! And Herald of our Creator!"

I cringed not liking the sound of Saint Devin "h-how about you just call me The Courier its seems more appropriate."

"Oh, and why is that?"

"Aside from the fact that it was 'technically' my former job it also sounds way cooler. Plus, if you think about it I am helping deliver you to your paradise."

Jason took a moment to think about it "very well! From now on you will forever be know as The Courier deliverer of paradise! And all sha-"

"Enough, chitchat Jason" Chris interrupted "are we going to light this candle or what!?"

"Yes, it does seem to be time doesn't it."

"Okay, smoothskin remember all you have to do is hit the button on my mark. Ready? 3 . . 2 . . 1!"

I slammed the button down and everything started to shake. I could see the part of the giant concrete dome sliding open to reveal the rockets inside resting on a giant elevator that was slowly rising up.

I wondered why they built it that way? Was it to stop the Chinese from spying on them with satellites? Did this world even have spy satellites? I shook the random thoughts from my head and focused back on the once in a lifetime event I was about to see.

As the elevator brought the rockets completely to the surface small amounts of smoke started leaking from the rocket engines and a booming voice blasted out.

"T-minus 10"










"And Lift off!"

There was a blinding flash of light as the rocket shoot off of the launchpad. Huge trails of smoke billowing behind them. I watched in awe as they slowly flew off into the sunset.

Only a few minutes later they were completely out of sight never to be seen again. I had no idea whether or not they'd make it but, the idea of ghouls in space was too awesome for them no to.

"Hey smoothskin you still there" Chris called.

"Yeah, I'm still here" I answered back.

"Science is a hell of a thing ain't it. On one hand it completely fucked the world over. But, on the other it's capable of stuff like this."

I couldn't help but, agree with him and once again was glad that I maxed out my Intelligence.

"Oh, before I forget! Chris did you have time to implement our plan?"

"Hahaha, of course I did but, I only managed to record about 10 minutes of it before we had to launch."

I laughed back "how is that a problem? It's only going to make it more annoying for them!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile at the very edge of space Jason Bright was starring in wonder at the planet below him.

As beautiful as it was it was also deeply disturbing to him. It wasn't the wonderous blue marble that had learned about in school all those centuries ago, no it was only a shell of its former glory.

Gone were the endless forests and the sea of lights from it's great cities. Now there was only burnt and barren earth and the occasional light in the darkness like New Vegas even the ocean had taken on a very light shade of green.

It was sickening but, he did not despair for he and his flock were on their way to new untainted lands. There they would make a new and better world in the ashes of the old. They would-

"And that dear listeners is how you properly skin and eat deathclaw. Now, onto our newest segment which I like to call Messing with Raul the Ghoul."

"Listen here you crazy perra, I"

"Bang, Bang, Bang"

"Now, now Raul you know we here at Black Mountain are a family show and that means no swearing not even if it's in spanish."

"What family show? Last week you aired a segment about disemboweling people, what kind of family would listen to that?"

"Why, my family of course! All of us supermutants are The Master's children which make us one big giant dysfunctional family. So if you a supermutant or nightkin in the Mojave area come on down to Black Mountain and join the party with me Rhonda! Your glorious leader!

"Glorious pain in my a-"

"Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang"

"Dance, ghoul dance!"

What the hell is this Jason though as he furiously typed on his console trying to stop that blasted radio station from playing.