
My next stop was going back to the T-rex's mouth to talk to Boone. I hadn't seen him yet and was a bit curious how he'd be in real life. I opened the door and was once again met with a Rifle to the face.

Boone stared at me for a moment before lowering his gun.

"God, damn it don't sneak up on me like that. The hell do you want?"

"I came up here to recruit you" I got straight to the point.

"Not interested" was his immediate response.

"Wow, didn't even need to think about it did you?"

"Sorry I have unfinished business in this town and can't leave till it's over. You and that Cass girl seem like good people especially after what you've done to the Legion but, I'll have to decline joining your mercenary outfit. Now if you'll excuse me I need to get back to my watch."

He turned away from me and went back to scouting the area.

"It's because of what happened to your wife isn't it" I spoke?

His entire body tensed up and he turned back around to face me. A look of pure fury present in his eyes.

"You have five seconds to explain how you know about my wife before I blow your head off" he spoke in an unnervingly calm voice.

"I didn't just come here to recruit you on impulse. Craig Boone born in 2255 and former 1st Reconnaissance Battalion sniper, fought in the Bitter Springs Massacre and was discharged from the army not long after. Moved to Novac with his wife Carla Boone to settle down but, she was kidnapped by Legion Slavers. You tracked her down in Cottonwood Cove and made the hardest choice any man could ever make. You chose to kill her so that she wouldn't have suffer at the hands of the Legio-"

Boone pushed me up against a wall his face red with bulging veins.

"What the hell do you want from me" he screamed!

"I told you before, to recruit you!"

He let me go but, kept in my face "and why the hell would I join you after you just dredged up my hell of a past."

"Because, Boone" I smirked "I know who killed your wife."

I took the receipt out of my pocket and handed it to him. He nearly ripped it in half as he tore it from my hand. I could see his eyes getting darker and darker and eventually he became quiet.

"Where did you get this?"

"It was behind a hidden panel in a secret floor safe in the motel lobby."

He crumpled up the receipt "all right, considering that you have just helped me find something I've spent years looking for I'll join you group but, on one condition."

"And what's that" I asked even though I probably knew what he was going to ask?

"I want you to help me get revenge."

Several hours later as the sky on the edge of the horizon was just beginning to turn blue. I walked back into the motel lobby.

There I saw Jeannie May doing some miscellaneous chores and cleaning. I guess she hadn't checked her safe yet or she wouldn't be this calm.

"Hi" I waved to her.

"Oh, if it isn't the town hero! What brings you in here so early Mr. Devin?"

"I've been thinking and might have a business opportunity in mind that would make the both of us a decent amount of money."

"You have my attention" she smiled.

"Can we go somewhere else to talk, first" I added?

"Why do we need to go somewhere else to talk? I can as you that no one could possibly be listening to us right now" she said while narrowing her eyes.

"True, but the business venture I have in mind requires us to meet a certain friend of mine."

"Then why aren't they here?"

"They have . . . a certain special status that makes it difficult for them to be seen. But, they're not far just outside the towns gates.

"What about Boone? If you friend is so 'special' I doubt they'd want us to be seen by a former NCR soldier like him."

I waved my hand "don't worry about Boone using some of my means I got him to head home early. But, we have to hurry Manny could arrive any minute. So are you going to come or not?"

She glared at me in suspicion feeling that something wasn't right about this but, her greed eventually got the better of her and she decided to at least see what this stranger had in mind.

We walked in silence out in front of the dinosaur and Jeannie was eyeing the dinosaur warily the entire time.

"So where is this friend of yours" she eventually asked after we were a good distance from the gate?

"Oh" I said "there is no friend, I just needed an excuse to get you out here.

He eyes widened as she realized that she might have made a terrible mistake "I-If you do anything to me t-the town will know and"

"Don't worry" I cut her off "I'm not going to do anything to you" I said calmly.

"T-then why did you bring me out here?"

I pointed my thumb back over my shoulder at the dino "I lied about Boone not being in there."

Her legs started shaking in fear "w-what is really happening?"

I laughed "I think this should be all the explanation you need" I took the crumpled up receipt out of my pocket and showing it to her. Making extra sure Boone could see that she saw it.

Up in the dinosaur Boone was looking at Jeannie's face as she saw the receipt. He saw her confession, then her understanding and fear, and finally as she turned to start running away he saw he regret. But, he could tell it wasn't regret at what she'd done no she wasn't a good enough person for that. No, it was regret that she was caught. With out any hesitation he slowly pulled the trigger and watched as a small fountain of blood erupted from her neck as she fell.

He let his gun down and took a deep breath and a single tear formed at the corner of his eye but, refused to fall and he whispered to himself.

"I got her Carla."