Helios One

After Jeannie May died I stuck the reciept to her back so that when the towns people inevitably find her they'll know what kind of person she really was. Not to mention that it would help cover our butts, because me and Cass disappearing on the same day she was murdered would be extremely suspicious especially when I also cleared out her safe. This was they could hopefully put two and two together and figure out the real story.

Cass and ED-D came out to meet me not long later, the night before while we were waiting to put our plan into action I went and explained what was happening to Cass. And once she heard what had happened to Boone and that I had actual proof Jeannie May did it she was completely on board and started packing her stuff so we could make a quick get away in the morning.

Boone followed and came out just after her, all he had with him was his Rifle and a small backpack that held all his worldly possessions.

"So where are we headed" he asked as we started walking north?

"To New Vegas" Cass answered "he has some business there apparently" she pointed her thumb towards me.

"What kind of business" Boone asked?

"The kind that involves finding the guy who shot me in the head."

Boone simply nodded in understanding but, Cass seemed appalled and confronted me.

"What the hell" she screamed! "You were shot in the head! Why didn't you say something before!"

"It didn't seem that important" I shrugged.

"Not important. Not important! I'll show you not important" Cass started chasing me around but, she punched and kicked me but, it didn't hurt to bad as she was just messing around.

"Are they always like this" Boone whispered to himself?

"Pretty much" ED-D nodded sagely.

"Oh, you can talk" Boone said mildly shocked.

Cass stopped hitting me for a moment and looked over to them "You can understand that thing?"

Boone nodded "All 1st Recon soldiers were required to learn morse code in case we ever needed to send secret messages to each other."

"Great" Cass threw her hands up "now I'm the only one who can't understand him!"

"You just need to put more effort into learning" I laughed.

"Maybe you need to shut up" she punched me in the shoulder!

Things continued on like that with all of us making light conversation as we travelled on. Eventually the topic got turned back to me being shot in the head and I had to explain about how Benny wanted a package I was delivering. And how he ambushed me with a bunch of Great Khans and left me in a shallow grave. Victor digging me up and bringing me to Doc Michael, saving Ringo from the Powder Gangers and all the other adventures I've been on.

Eventually after hours of talking I could see our next destination looming on the horizon the Helios One power plant. It was hard to miss and the solar tower would have been the tallest most visible thing in the area if it wasn't for New Vegas looming in the distance.

"Why are we going to over to that power plant" Cass asked confused?

"Because there's another job over there for us" I said.

"And how could you possibly know that" Boone asked?

"Because he's psychic" waved her hands around in a mocking way and spoke sarcasticly.

Boone just raised his eyebrow.

"I'm not psychic" I said "I just know alot of things that I shouldn't. I'll probably tell you exactly how I know one day but, not today."

"Helios One was taken over from the Brotherhood of Steel a couple years ago by the NCR what could they possibly need help with" Boone asked?

"The power plant is only functioning at minimum capacity because the Brotherhood shut it down and turned on the security system before they were forced out. And the NCR doesn't have the man power to get it up and running again."

Boone held his chin "Now that I think about it the force that took Helios One didn't stay there more than a day before rushing over to the dam and leaving a skeleton crew here. And I don't ever remember hearing about us getting much power out of this place."

"Exactly" I said "The NCR doesn't have the resources to put any more men here but, they can't abandon it either because it would be where they have their last stand if the Legion takes the dam."

"Wait" Cass cut in "If I'm hearing this right you want us to force our way past this security system that not even an entire squad of NCR soldiers could do with years of time and reactive the power plant?"

"Yeah, that's about the gist it" I nodded, of course I wouldn't tell them that helping out here was only my secondary goal. My real objective was activating the power plant so I could get my hands on the single most powerful weapon in the Mojave once we get to New Vegas the Archimedes II Orbital Satellite Array. Once the Power Plant was activiated I would only need to get the Euclid's C-Finder in Freeside which was the targeting system and I'd have my own death laser that I could use to erase something from existence once a day.

"Halt" a female NCR soldier stopped us from approaching any further "you are entering a restricted area. Please turn around or we will be forced to open fire" she leveled her gun at us.

I put my hands up to show I wasn't a threat "My name is Devin and I'm a scientist I noticed that your solar collectors aren't collecting as much energy as they should be and came by to see if I could help."

"Ha" she laughed "we already have a scientist working on that he an asshole who always wears sunglasses even while indoors and doesn't even know what he's talking about half the time . . . you know what come on in we could use the help" she lowered he gun and led us inside.

"What just happened" I could hear Cass whisper.