188 Trading Post

After going back to the NCR commander with freed hostages I managed to convince him to let the khans go.

He wasn't happy about it because he had received direct orders to take them out but, he backed down when he realized that it wasn't worth it to risk losing men to try and kill people who were leaving.

We all watched as the khans left Boulder city, once they were gone my experience bar filled up and a notification appeared telling me that I completed the quest "They Went That-A-Way."

It was the main story quest that you get all the way back in Goodsprings. To complete it your supposed to find out who shot you and where they went. And Jessup telling me that Benny was in the Tops casino finished the quest.

I leveled up to level 19, I dump all of my points into Barter bringing it to 50. Because I was planning on buying alot of expensive things in the near future and any extra money I could save would go a long way.

In the game ever 20 points in Barter made vendors sell things to you 9% cheaper and buy them for 9% more. So with my current stats I should be able to get about a 20% discount on anything I buy.

With everything at Boulder City sorted we started heading west to the 188 Trading Outpost.

It wasn't that far from Boulder City and was one of the main trading hubs the caravans stopped at. So I was interested in what it'll be like there.

From what I could remember aside from Veronica there was also a couple arms dealers as well as a kid who calls himself The Forecaster.

I was very interested in the kid because unlike me he was a real Psyker!

He is basically the exact opposite of Mama Murphy from Fallout 4. Instead of taking drugs to see visions of the future, he stops taking his meds and does it.

In the game he was basically a worthless NPC but, right now with me planning on changing things and taking over. His prophecies would be invaluable! Especially since I had a certain plan I had been thinking of for weeks now. It would be a one in a million shot in the dark, and even if I did succeed there would still be a very real chance of it going terribly wrong.

But, at the same time no matter how suicidally stupid my plan was, if by some miracle it actually did end up working it would be the coolest thing ever!

So I wanted to see if The Forcaster would be able to tell anything that might help.

We arrived at the Outpost after a couple more hours of walking, and Cass and Boone's burns were already healing up nicely because they stopped every once in a while to apply some Healing Powder to themselves.

The Outpost itself was the overpass located at the intersections of highways 95 and 93. And there wasn't as much here as I thought there would be.

Aside from the lone NCR flag flapping in the wind there was only a single bar and a large tent people could pay to stay the night in.

It was getting late so we decided to stop at the bar for a bite to eat before turning in for the day.

There were several people sitting at the bar but, only one of the caught my interest. It was impossible to miss Veronica and her signature hood. I wanted to say something but, figured it might be best to wait a little so that I didn't come off as weird. So I sat down along with the others and ordered some scorpion meat to try.

Cass like always ordered a couple bottles of whiskey and Boone just ordered a brahmin steak.

The scorpion was good and actually tasted a bit like lobster making me wish I had butter.

During our meals Michelle and Samuel Kerr the owners of the trading post made casual conversation with us. Asking the usual stuff like where we we're from, what we're doing, and if we had any good stories to share with them.

I didn't hold back and told them pretty much everything that happened since I woke up in Goodsprings. They were surprised about how much we"ve been through in so little time and didn't think I was lying.

Apparently we were beginning to be moderately famous. They told me that there were rumors floating around about a newly formed mercenary group that's been going around helping out the NCR. They recognized us because of ED-D and wanted to see if the rumors were true.

As all this was happening I made sure to keep an eye on Veronica out of the corner of my eye. She tried to hide it but, I could tell she was sneaking glances at us every once in a while.

I was willing to bet that she knew alot more about us than the rumor told. Since she was one of the field agents for the Brotherhood who were in charge of going out into the wastes and collecting supplies and information.

The Brotherhood was probably listening into NCR radios and knew about everything we did for them. Probably wondering if we'd be willing to let her travel with us. Since she wants to see how everyone is surviving in the Mojave but, thinks it's too dangerous to go alone.

When we were finished the Kerr's comped the meal. Saying that it was thanks for killing all those Legionaries and how their son was sold as a slave.

I told Boone and Cass I had something to do after we set up camp and went down below to see The Forcaster.

I didn't need to look hard to find him, he was right under the overpass laying on a cardboard bed and surrounded by all kinds of junk.