The Forecast

As I walked up to the kid I wondered exactly what his story was. He looked to be around ten years old and was wearing what looked like an old boy scouts outfit along with a strange metal headband that I knew was his 'medicine'.

"Hello, Mister" the kid politely smiled at me as he sat up from the cardboard "how are you doing today?"

"Pretty good" I returned his smile.

"Is there anything you want from me?"

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could predict the future for me?"

"Of, course Mister that'll be 100 caps and I'll take off my medicine for you."

"Sure" I handed him a small bag of caps I prepared ahead of time. "So how exactly do you powers work" I asked him?

"I'm not exactly sure myself Mister" he mumbled. "When I take of my medicine my head starts thinking really fast, so fast that it starts to hurt. And then everything goes dark for a while and I start talking, I never remember what I say though.

Some people have told me it's a gift but, other have said that it's the kind of thinking anyone could do if they watched more than they spoke. I don't know which true but, I see and hear alot while living hear on the 188 so maybe that accounts for my thinking."

"Hmm, so taking of that headband make you think quicker?"

"Yeah but, while I'm wearing it I feel kind of empty. That's why I collect all this stuff" he motioned the pile of junk behind him. "That painting, that teddy bear, and everything else there had to be made by someone. And when they did they filled it with their thoughts, staying around all of it helps fill my head when I'm not thinking."

"Alright, that's enough exposition let's see what you got for me."

"Ok, I can think about you, here, or everywhere" he asked "which do you want?"

I pretty much already knew all the important stuff about the wasteland. What I really needed to know about was my specific future.

"I want to know about me."

He nodded and took off the headband and I watched in interest as his eyes seemed to glaze over.

"You're face does the thinking, two to the skull one goes down and another gets up. The odds are against you but, they're just numbers and you know all about those. You're playing a dangerous game and even though you know all the rules, not everything is as it seems. You're making due with the hand you've been dealt but, you're not satisfied, you're going stack the deck in your favor and gamble it all . . . a gamble that might pay off. I Forecast rapidly changing conditions." The light seemed to come back into his eyes and he put his medicine back on. " A lot of thinking . . . most of it in your face, almost screaming at me. Sorry if I said anything weird."

"No you're fine" I told him with a slight frown on my face.

"M-my head hurts" he clutched his face and sat back down "sorry, Mister I don't think I can do anymore thinking today. Can you please go away now? I need to sleep."

I left without saying anything, his forecast was almost exactly the same as in the game. But, the parts that weren't the same were what bothered me.

"You're face does the thinking, two to the skull one goes down and another gets up." The part about my face doing the thinking and two to the head were obvious. I actually still have very faint scars on my forehead so anyone observant enough can tell I was shot in the head. But, the second part was different "one goes down and another gets up." That was very clearly implying that I'm not the same person who was shot in the head.

There is no way just being good at thinking could let him figure out something like that. He definitely had psychic powers. And what he spoke about was actually something I'd been worried about for a while.

Who was I before waking up at Doc Michael's? Was I an actual person with their own thoughts and dreams? It honestly scared me a little to think I just rewrote someone's entire existence and The Forecasters words seemed to confirm that, that's actually what happened.

Then there was his next line "the odds are against you but, they're just numbers and you know all about those." There was nothing special about the odds are against you part. But, the they're just numbers and you know all about those part seemed to be referring to my Skills and Special. It was interesting that he mentioned that but, there wasn't really any important information there. What really was messing with me was his next words.

"You're playing a dangerous game and even though you know all the rules, not everything is as it seems." That felt like it was talking about my knowledge from the game and how things are different. If that was true things just got 100x more dangerous because my foreknowledge was half the reason I made it this far.

Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it and would just have to be extra careful and play it by ear. That's always how prophecies go isn't it? They tell you just enough to get you paranoid but, not enough to actually be helpful.

And then there was his final line "You're making due with the hand you've been dealt but, you're not satisfied, you're going stack the deck in your favor and gamble it all . . . a gamble that might pay off." That line was in the game but, it was slightly different too. It felt like it was referring to me trying to go outside of what was possible in the game and make my own outcomes, like what I did with the nightkin in Repconn. And I felt like the part about a gamble paying off was about the crazy stupid plan I was thinking up.

I sighed my conversation with him lasted less that five minutes but, there was so much there to unpack. I decided to stop thinking about all this complicated stuff for now and just go to bed.

Because tomorrow I was going to need to convince Veronica to join us, and I didn't want to be stressed out by all of this when I'm talking to her.