Back Together

"You, son of a bitch! Get back here" Cass yelled furiously as she chased me around!

I laughed while weaving between the slot machines and other gamblers. I was enjoying watching her rage around but, also a bit terrified of what she'd do once she caught me, so I ended updoing the only thing I could think off at the moment.

I taunted her more!

"So did you find F.I.S.T.O.?"

"Rahhh" Cass screamed!"

"What, about the gay cowboy ghoul? How did that turn out?"

While Cass was flipping out Boone, Veronica, and ED-D were sitting calmly by the bar watching all of this unfold.

"They do this often" Veronica asked?

"Yes" Boone and ED-D answered in unison.

"Hmm" Veronica turned back to the show taking a sip of her martini.

I jumped over a table dodging Cass's attempt to corner me and turned to smirk at her only to see her disappear. I frantically looked around not wanting to be caught but, she was no where to be found. There was a noise by my feet and I look to see Cass finishing her slide under the table. I wanted to jump back buy, Cass was faster than me. She sprung up smashing me in the chin and knocking me to the ground.

"Ouch" I moaned rubbing my chin.

Cass put her foot on my chest and glared at me "You will never do anything like that again, got it?"

"I can't make any promises."

She slid her boot up to my neck and pressed down a bit "I'm sorry I didn't hear you, could you repeat that?"

"I-I mean, no never again! I promise I won't mess with you like that again!"

We stayed like that for a moment before she snarled and took her foot away and walked back to the bar and ordered a whisky.

I coughed and rubbed my throat "well that sucked!"

"You do kind of deserve it though" Veronica laughed "giving her a job like that."

"Okay maybe it was I bit mean but, you have to abmit it was kind of hilarious."

"I-I don't have to admit anything" Veronica stutter while Cass secretly gave her the stink eye.

I cracked my neck and went join them at the bar "so how'd everyone else's jobs go" I asked?

"No problems here" Boone said "and I got the stuff you warned me about."

I nodded I was glad he got the C4, from what I rememberer it was one of the rarest and most powerful explosives in the game, and would be usefull in my confrontation with House.

"I managed to get most of the depts and made a decent amount of money" Cass puffed out her chest.

"That's good don't worry about getting them all this was mostly just to make some quick cash."

"By the way what exactly were you doing while we worked our butts of today? Not slacking around I hope" Cass insinuated.

"Whoa, you mean you don't know" James Garet the bartended and co-owner jumped into our conversation?

"What" Cass wondered "you make it sound like he did something impressive?"

"Impressive is one world for it" he laughed "there probably isn't a single person in Freeside who doesn't know about him at this point."

"Whoa" Veronica's gaped in awe "what exactly did you do to get that famouse in one day?"

"I stopped a war" I smuggly crossed my arms.

Cass's eye twitched "stop exaggerating! You probably just caused some kind of trouble."

"No, he told the truth" James said "he cleared up a misunderstanding between the Kings and NCR, apparently they were really going at it before your friend showed up."

"So he basically did the same thing he did in Boulder City" Veronica asked "walk up from out of nowhere and solve everybodies problems?"

"That's pretty much exactly what I do" I laughed at how accurate her description was.

"Yeah but, that's not the only reason he's famous" James continued "you see, one of the Kings a guy named Pacer didn't like that you friend here was talking everybody down and tried to put a bullet in the back of his head. But, before he could pull the trigger your friend drew his gun and fired when there was absolutely no way he could have been able to aim right. From what I heard it was pretty impressive."

I shrugged "I'm a good shot."

"I hate, that I actually believe that" Cass whined.

"Are you really that good a shot" Veronica asked?

"There isn't anything I'm more confident in than my shooting skills."

"I wonder how you compare to Boone" she continued "he was an NCR sniper, right?"

Boone sat up slightly and looked at me from the corner of his eye.

I wondered if his competative spirit was acting up "I don't know" I shrugged "but, even if I am a better shot he probably has tons of other skills that I don't."

We sat around and talked for a little while longer before renting a couple rooms from the Garet's, one for Boone and me and the other for Cass and Veronica. It's was a bit awkward that night because the walls weren't sound proof and we could here people coming to see the new 'workers' that Cass brought in.

Early the next morning we left the Wrangler and headed over to Mick & Ralph's, they immediately recognized me and said they already had a couple passports ready and just needed to take our pictures. So me and Veronica lined up and got our photo's taken by some incredibly retro looking cameras.

While the pictures were developing I asked them if it would be okay if I checked out their 'special' inventory. They agreed since my reputation in Freeside was pretty high right now and the wall at the back of their store magically slid open revealing a room filled with weapons. Everyone walked in with eyes wide just staring at the sheer amount of high level firepower in the room.

They had pretty much any kind of weapon you could think of and even a few you couldn't, they even had an Anti Material Rifle that I had been yearning for but, it was over 8,000 caps and way outside of my price range. What they did have though were Pulse Grenades and lots of them. I asked about it because I didn't remember them selling those in the game. They told me that scavengers find them every once in a while but, never use them because they're useless against living things. So most just end up being sold and eventually end up in their collection apperently what I was seeing was years worth of accumulation.

After a bit of negotiation I managed to buy the lot of them over 30 Pulse Grenades for super cheap since no one really ever buys them.

I could see everyone giving me a questioning look about why I would need them but, didn't ask and I wasn't planning on telling them. With all these Pulse Grenades my confidence in taking House out shot way up, and if everything went right The Strip would be under new managment by the end of the day.