The Lucky 38

I had butterflies in my stomach as we approached the gate of The Strip, because one way or another by the end of today everything would be different. It didn't help that I always felt weird after killing House even in the game. He might have been a powerhungry dictator but, he was still better that any of the other factions. And I was beggining to have second thoughts about doing this.

Ignoring the little voice in my head telling me to stop I approached the Securitron protecting the gate.

"Please submit to a credit check or present your passport before proceeding to the gate, trespassers will be shot."

I took out my fake passport and opened it up for the robot to see, he observed it for a moment before speaking.

"Thank you, sir you may proceed."

I went up ahead and waited for everyone else to get past the guard, there were no problems and we all made it past. And inside just like I was expecting was Victor waiting for me just inside The Strip.

"Howdy, there partner! It's been a long time."

"It's nice, to see you again Victor" I replied "I assume your boss want's to see me?"

"Mighty sharp ain't you? Just head on in to the Lucky 38 and take the elevator to the top."

I nodded before turning around to everyone "Sorry everyone but, I have something to do. We can meet up at The Tops later just remember not to do anything drastic I already have a plan to deal with Benny."

Before they could say anything else I followed Victor inside.

"That didn't just happen" Veronica wondered aloud "did he really just get invited inside THE Lucky 38!"

"It looks like it" Boone commented actually looking suprised for once.

And Cass just looked on with a concerned face remembering what I said about taking over The Strip.

"Cass" Veronica snapped her fingers in Cass's face.

"Huh, what?"

"You kinda zoned out there for a second."

"Right" she slapped her cheeks "let's go."

"Go where?"

"The Tops, they got whisky and I really need something to drink right now."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I coughed as I entered the casino and kicked up a thick layer of dust. It was actually kind of creepy seeing all the perfectly preserved signs of humanity just laying there. Likea beer bottle sitting on top of a slot machine or a broken suitcase spilling it contents over the floor. I could just imagine all of the people who were in here panicking and stampeding out as the bombs fell.

Victor rolled up right to the elevator that quietly slid open and beckoned me inside.

"Meet ya at the top partner" he quiped.

If the casino ride was creepy the elevator was even worse it had no music, the lights flickered constantly, and it bumped around like it was about to fall. I watched the lights on the display panel flash by as I slowly climbed up the metal tower.

I never realized it before but, the 38 was ridiculously tall it had over 125 floors which meant it was even taller than the Empire State Building. It made sense though because the thing was visible from pretty much anywhere in the Mojave.

As I finaly reached the top the elevator open with a pleasant ding and VIctor was standing outside to greet me.

"What took you so long" he joked.

I sighed expecting the terrible joke since I knew he could warp his programming to any Securitron and walked out of the elevator, nervous and a little excited about meeting the legendary Mr. House. I walked past and did my best to ignore Jane his Securitron 'companion' and went down the stairs and through the curtain and into the next room. Inside on a massive monitor the emotionless face of Mr. House stared down at me.

"This meeting has been a long time coming hasn't it? You've come a long way literaly and figuratively as well I assume" he spoke. "Now, I have to ask now that you've reached you're destination what do you think?"

"I city of drugs, sex, and violence" I shrugged "what's not to love."

"Oh, come now" I could almost feel him rolling his eyes at me "don't play the fool. Vegas has enough of those as it is, that's what makes it so profitable. They come to Vegas chasing they're penny-ante dreams of high living, to feel like big shots, like they're winners. Me and you are different though aren't we? We don't have to dream of being important we ARE important."

"I prefer the wastes to be honest" I said while activating the little suprise I had hidden in my pocket.

"You're not about to go on about the virtues of the waste are you? You do realize it's a literal desert? Hey what's going on!?"

I dropped the smoke bomb I had activated to the floor and the room quickly began to fill with smoke.

"What are you doing! Securitrons get him" House screamed realizing I was up to something!

They fired on my position with their Gatling Lasers and 9mm SMG's but, I was already gone I activated a Stealthboy and moved through the smoke like a phantom. I found my way to the unassuming terminal in the corner of the room and threw out a couple more smoke bombs. My fingers moved over the keyboard as quickly and quietly as I could I had to hurry because once her figured out what I was doing it would be dead.

House probably never suspected anyone to know how to get to him so he never upgraded the computers security and I was able to easily break through. I sent the command and the hidden passageway in the wall slid open revealing another room. I through some Pulse Mines around the floor and used VATS to accurately toss out the Pulse Grenades through the smoke.

"He's going for the Antechamber! Quickly stop him!"

I felt some laser blasts hit my armor burning me, I was lucky though because and the smoke scattered most of their power weakening them. It still hurt like hell but, I was able to continue. I rushed to the second terminal as bullets and laser blasts cascaded around me, a few of my Pulse Mines went off giving me a couple of seconds of breathing room. I hacked into the computer and shut down all of Houses defenses and it went completely silent.