In Charge

(I've seen comments asking about if I was going to set up a Pat*reon or something similar. I've been thinking about it and added a chapter in the Auxiliary Volume's section I want to ask everyone to go there and give me their feedback on what I should do, thanks.)

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"Yes Man" I turned to the robot "I've already taken care of House and I want you to meet me in the Lucky 38."

"Wow, who ever you are you sure work fast! I've barely known you for more than a minute and you've already got the Platinum Chip and got rid of House! Benny's has been trying figure out how to do that for weeks!"

"Yeah, well I'm awesome like that" I picked up Benny's unique 9mm Pistol call Maria it wasn't anything special but, since I now had safe place to store my stuff in the Lucky 38. I wasn't planning on leaving anything behind if I didn't have to.

"I'll say! I have a lot of stuff I want to ask you, like who the heck you are?! But, I'm sure you'll tell me later." His body sizzles and popped before his screen went dark and he flopped to the ground.

I didn't panic since I new it was just him transferring his programming into one of the Securitrons that were still alive in House's penthouse.

I wanted to rush back over to the Lucky 38 and upgrade his Securitrons right now. I figured it would be better to meet back up with everybody first.

As I left Benny's room I saw Swank waiting for me at the elevator.

"Is it done he asked?"

I just nodded.

"Well, I guess that makes me the big man in charge now, huh? Well a-ring a-ding ding."

I patted him on the shoulder and went back to the first floor letting him and his men go and clean the body.

As I left the elevator I was blindsided and ended up flat on my back.

"Ouch" I glared at Cass while rubbing my bruised cheek "what was that for?"

"Don't give me that" she screamed! "We saw you going up the elevator and all the Chairmen start freaking out about something! You just went and killed Benny didn't you!"

"Maybe" I awkwardly scratched my head.

She punched me again "why didn't you get us to help you!"

"Sorry but, this was kind of something I needed to do myself."

I had to leave them out of it because I wanted as little people as possible to know I had taken over The Strip. It wasn't that I didn't trust them but, Veronica was still a member of the Brotherhood and there was a good chance she'd have to report this kind of thing to them. Even if I asked to keep quiet.

I didn't want any of the factions to know I was in charge. Because if they did it would definitely make me a target and I wasn't confident enough to take on the world yet.

My plan was to pretend that House hired me and my mercenary group to do his dirty work. That way I could be the puppet leader while he remains the enigmatic two hundred year old billionaire, who everyone is focused on.

"Idiot" Cass stomped off and I nervously chuckled while getting up.

"I guess I'm in trouble, huh?"

Everyone looked at me like I was an idiot, even ED-D.

I spent the next hour or so trying to calm Cass down and buying her as much whiskey as she wanted, since money wasn't really going to be a problem anymore.

Once she had downed her 8th bottle she was finally drunk enough to forgive me. I still had about no idea how she was able to drink that much without having to run to the bathroom every twenty minutes.

Now that everyone was calm everyone bombarded me with questions about what happened in the Lucky 38.

I told them that House had heard about me and wanted to hire my services, which wasn't a lie. I just forgot to mention the part about me fighting past his security and blackmailing him.

When I told them that House offered us some rooms in the Lucky 38, Veronica and Cass basically dragged me out of the building. Even Boone seemed a little expectant at what was inside the mysterious building.

"It's dirty."

Needless to say the first impressions were a bit lackluster.

But, that changed when I showed them the presidential suite's that were ours to use. Since even though everything was old and dusty they were still the nicest rooms any of them had ever been in, not to mention the comfy beds and hot water.

I left them to explore telling that they could go anywhere except the penthouse and the basement. Anywhere else was fine but, if they went to any of those places they would be killed. I felt bad lying to them but, I figured it would be fine since they were about to make more money than any of them had ever seen before.

Finally it was time to go to the penthouse! I let them know House wanted me to come see him after I killed Benny and went back up.

And Yes Man was exactly where I thought he'd be.

"You sure took your time, It's not like we're about to take over the most powerful army in the wasteland" he smiled!

"Benny was right, you're super passive aggressive" I handed him the Chip.

"Wow, this is big! A very big moment whatsyourface! Here goes" he rolled over to the giant monitor "wish me luck!"

He inserted the Chip into a small slot and began typing away. Soon his body began to shake and spark just like the other Securitron back at The Tops before his face appeared on the monitor.

"Wow, Mr. House had quite the setup here! I can access his data banks and view telemetry on every Securitron on the network!"

"Good" I smiled knowing there was no way for House to stop me anymore since Yes Man just overwrit his admin privileges.

"Wow! So that's what the Platinum Chip does pretty nifty! It seems that Mr.House had this whole presentation prepared for you once you got the Chip. But, you went and cut him off from his own network! I would have killed him personally he's way too dangerous to let live but, I'm sure you know what your doing right?"

I rolled my eyes wondering if I can program that out of him.

"Well, if you'll just step into the elevator I'll take you down to the basement to show you the demonstration!"

"No need" I held up my hand "I already know what it does. It upgrades the Securitrons software to the Mk2 version letting them use their primary systems. Shoulder mounted rocket launchers, grenade launchers in their hands, as well as their self repair functions."

"Wow! It's pretty impressive you know all that! And if you know that I'm also guessing you know about the 5,000 Securitrons in storage below Fortification Hill!"

I nodded, though I never actually knew the actual amount.

Me and Yes Man discussed what we would do from now on. There were eight different factions I had to figure out how to deal with the NCR, the Legion, the three casinos, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Great Khans, and the Boomers."