
I already knew how I was going to deal with most of the factions.

The NCR was tough because I had to kick them out of the Mojave with alienating them too badly. Because they were a huge source of income, I would have to work out some kind of deal with them.

The Legion was the easiest, there was no other option except to kill them all.

The three casinos were a bit difficult though. Each of the were trying to take over The Strip or do some other dark shit. I already dealt with Benny so The Tops was fine for now. That still left the Gommorah and Ultralux.

Gommorah was a den of prostitution and drugs. I was planning on having a unique policy towards that kind of stuff. Most countries in my old life completely outlawed both of them. But, that never completely stops them from happening, it just make all the profits from those businesses go to bad people.

I was planning on legalizing every but, having strictly regulated. I had a lot to think about there and would definitely need help planning how it would work exactly but, this would be the gist of it. It would hopefully be strictly enough to make it hard for people to look for that kind of stuff but, not so hard that people try to get them illegally.

I would also fund rehabs and research for people wanting to get off drugs. And make more jobs and make life easier so less women(and men) would need to get into prostitution, as well as make sure they weren't being abused.

It would probably be far from a perfect solution but, it seemed like a better solution than outright banning the stuff. Which never worked in my old world, let alone a post apocalyptic one where sex and drug were literally the only entertainment most people had.

So, I would have to take control of the Gommorah. And as luck would have it they were giving me the perfect excuse to clean them up a bit.

I knew some of their leaders were working with the Legion and planning on causing a massacre on the strip. Giving me the perfect excuse to sent in a couple Securitrons to kill their upper management. And most of their employees since most of them were garbage.

I also told Yes Man to send a Securitron to Westside(the western part of Freeside) to find a woman named Pretty Sarah.

She is the owner of a small whorehouse and from what I can remember is an honest and loyal person who takes care of her workers. Since I was going to kill all the Omertas the gang that runs the Gommorah I would need someone else to run it, and I couldn't think of a better choice than her.

And as for the Ulralux they were 'mostly' clean except for a couple of people who want to get back into cannibalism. It was just too people from what I could remember a random chef and one of their board members.

I would deal with them myself though since the person they kidnapped to eat was the son of a rich NCR brahmin baron. It definitely wouldn't hurt to have a man like that owe me a favor.

The Great Khans weren't really good or bad people and I didn't want to bother with them too much since I knew I could convince the to leave the Mojave.

The Boomers were pretty much the same. They liked to blow things up and not much else, and their greatest dream was to fix up an old AC-130 bomber and fly into the sunset blowing up everything in their path.

I was planning on fixing the plane and then pointing them towards the Legion.

And the final faction and the one I was having the most problems figuring out what to do with was the Brotherhood of Steel. I knew if I left them around they would end up causing problems for me eventually but, I couldn't just kill them all either because of Veronica.

I sighed I would just have to play it by ear and deal with them when the time comes.

With our planning session out of the way it was time to do something I had been meaning to for a while now. I walked up to the giant console and started accessing the database.

"What are you doing" Yes Man asked?

"I'm reprogramming you so that you only listen to me."

"Oh, that's smart! To bad Benny wasn't that smart or he might still be alive!"

"While I'm doing this there's something I've been wondering about that I know you can answer for me."

"What's that?"

"Exactly how many caps does Mr. House have?"

"Oh, he had a bunch! Did you know that last year he spent over 87,000 caps paying salvager's to find the Platinum Chip and that was only about 1% of his total liquid assets! There's a giant vault in the basement that has about 9 million caps in it!"

My jaw dropped "are there even that many caps in the world!"

"Of, course there are silly! Every year as part of their deal Mr. House gets 20% of all the money the casinos earn! And with the recent flood of NCR citizens flooding into the Mojave It's not that surprising there's that much money! The NCR does have a population in the millions after all!"

I started laughing hysterically I wasn't going to have any problems with money ever again!

"Yeah, your loaded now!"

I wiped the tears from my eyes before double checking my work and updating Yes Man.

"Oh, yeah" I thought to myself "I should probably go disarm that bomb on Mr. House, huh."