
(I've created a Patreon page for those interested please go check in the synopsis for the link. And Thank You for all the support!)

After disarming my bomb I could almost feel House glaring at me as I left. I decided to order yes man to cut the power to House's pod if it ever seemed like he was up to anything.

Before I went back down to join everyone I asked Yes Man to send the elevator to the basement, since there wasn't a button for that.

I wanted to go take a look at the vault and see all that money with my own eyes.

It had a huge metal door on it like the Yes Man opened for me. And inside was honestly one of the strangest sights I've ever seen. There was a literal sea of bottle caps, like Scrooge Mcduck levels of insane.

It was strange because looking at I felt it was more like some kind of recycling plant than a safe full of money. I still wasn't quite used to using caps as money.

The Securitrons down here already had a huge pile of dufflebags ready in case they needed to move some money.

I grabbed a couple and started filling them up.

Yes Man told me that on average each bag would have about 30,000 caps in it when full. So I filled up 4 bags worth of caps and went back up.

There were four of us not counting ED-D since he didn't need to be paid. So each one of us would be getting a duffel bag filled with caps.

Which was honestly enough for anything we might need in the foreseeable future.

I found everyone in the Cocktail lounge admiring the view as the sun went down. It was honestly amazing being able to see the whole of the Mojave like that.

"Hey" I waved to them.

"What are you carrying" Veronica asked?

"Our pay" I said dropping to the ground where they made a very distinct clinking sound.

"T-those aren't full of what I think they are, are they" Cass stuttered?

"Why don't you check them and see?"

"Oh, my gosh they are" Veronica screamed!

"Is this how much we're getting paid" Cass wondered?

"This is just the beginning" I smiled before noticing a huge frown on Boone's face.

"In my experience the bigger the payday the larger the risk involved. So, what exactly does Mr. House want us to do that he's willing to pay us this much money?"

Cass and Veronica stopped playing in the money and were also concerned about that.

"Your right, from now on we're going to have a huge amount of work to do. This money isn't actually our pay, it for us to buy the best equipment possible before we get started."

"And what exactly are we going to be doing?"

I shrugged "killing Fiends and Deathclaws, finding lost technology, and ending the war. You know the usual."

"Again I can't tell if he's joking or not" Veronica whined.

"It's probably better that we don't know" Cass patted her shoulder.

"So what now" Boone asked?

"Well, tomorrow morning we're going to make a trip out to the Gun Runners and buy every single thing that strikes our fancy. As well as recruit another member before relaxing the rest of the day."

"Why do we need a new member" Boone asked "we're already a five man squad?'

ED-D beeped a thank you to Boone for being included.

"Because we're still lacking one thing" I said.

"What's that?'

"A good Doctor, I don't want to die out in the wastes because I could get proper medical care."

"Fair enough" Boone conceded.

We spent the rest of the evening making idle conversation and just enjoying the view. Pretty soon though everyone agreed it was time to go to bed.

Which made it the perfect time for me to sneak out. It was about ten O'clock and The Strip was in full swing and people were partying all over.

The Gommorah which was just across the street from the Lucky 38 looked particularly packed tonight.

"Enjoy it while it lasts" I thought.

The Securitrons weren't going to take the Gommorah until around five in the morning. Late enough that no one would still be partying but, also early enough that no one would be up for the day yet. Making it the perfect time to attack.

But, the Gommorah wasn't my concern right now.

My focus was on the Ultralux and saving that kid from being eaten. I just hoped I wasn't too late, everything happening regardless of me being there or not was super stressful!

Using some of my money I bough a decent suit so I would stand out.

The inside of the Ultralux was the nicest place I've seen in the Mojave so far. It had clean white marble floors, everyone inside was dressed well, and there was smooth jazz playing out of the speakers.

It wasn't hard to find who I was looking for since he was wearing a fancy looking cowboy hat and bolo tie. While drinking his worries away at the bar.

"Hey, what with the long face" I plopped down next to him "we're in New Vegas the happiest place on earth!"

"It's my boy" he sobbed "he's gone missing! He left this mornin and I ain't seen him since" he broke down.

I patted him on his back feeling really bad for the guy, since it was obvious how much he cared for his son.

"You know I'm actually the leader of a mercenary group. We're not to famous yet but, I'd be willing to take you case."

He sniffled "shoot I'll pay you whatever you want long as you find my boy."

"That's the spirit! Now tell me the last place you saw him, every second matters in this kind of situation so I need to get going now."

"I-It was t-this mornin he got hungry and went to that fancy restaurant they got on the top floor to get a hamburger."

"That's all I needed, wait here okay. I promise that before the suns up I either bring you back your son or the head of the person that took him."

I already knew who took him and why it was a guy named Mortimer who was planning on killing the kid and secretly feeding him to the White Glove Society who were the Ultralux's version of the Omertas only fancier and with creepy hannibal lecter style masks.

Mortimer misses their old ways and want to trick the White Gloves into cannibalism again. I already knew how to stop him I just didn't know where exactly they were. The casinos were a lot bigger than they were in game so I could just follow my memory.

But, I came prepared to do things the hard way. I snuck into a corner and activated a Stealthboy, I was just going to sneak around the whole place until I found him.

I knew he was being held inside a fridge so I only needed to look for kitchens. I also knew this was a relatively hidden kitchen and that the White Gloves had their meals in the club room on the top floor.

Really it was actually super easy to find the kitchen, I found the recipe for fake human flesh and killed the cook by stabbing him in the heart. I also knocked kid locked in the fridge out with chloroform and his him since I didn't want him to hold a grudge against the casino.

Finally I dressed up like the cook made the fake meat before giving it to the server who came to pick up the food.

It sounds easy but, honestly I almost got caught a few times while going through doorways and when people almost bumped into me. I managed to get everything wrapped up by 11:55 and the secret dinner was at 12:00.

I couldn't have cut it any closer if I tried.