
All that was left to do was sneak into the dinning room and wait for Mortimer to rat himself out. Once he reveal his scheme to force the White Gloves back into cannibalism I'll come out and show that the person they were planning to serve is still alive. Mortimer will probably attack me in desperation and I'll kill him.

For now I was waiting crouched down behind a counter carrying the unconscious kid while cloaked in my Stealthboy. The Dinner had been going on for a decent amount of time and I had to knock him out again because he started waking up, I hoped they would finish up soon so I end up giving him brain damage from all the chloroform.

Luckily, it seemed like Mortimer was just as impatient and was ready get going since all of the White Gloves had already started eating his food.

He scooched out of his chair and walked over to the small podium near the table, while twirling his cane and adjusting his Top hat.

"Ahem" he cleared his throat getting everyones attention " There was a time not to long ago where we were bound not as members but, as a family, as a clan. And when Mr. House came to us with his proposal to be one of the overlords of The Strip , we accepted knowing we stood to gain much." He took his Top hat off and solemnly held it to his chest "little did we know how much we'd lose."

I could hear people mumbling not sure what exactly he was talking about.

"As The White Glove Society we have endeavored to sample the finest food and drink the world has to offer but, I tell you we are living a lie! There is a meat sweater than the most tender brahmin, most of you have tasted it and all of you have coveted it. Amoung us it has been made a crime to discuss a return to the old ways that united our people." He paused for dramatic effect "tonight that changes, and the taboo ends!"

I disabled my Stealthboy.

"You don't know it yet but, you are guilt of the most heinous crime, one that ordinarily bears the harshest punishment. Surely know that you are all guilty warrents universal amnesty as well as a renewed discussion? For us to be truly elite we must dine on the most exquisite most delectable meat known to mankind! I am of course talking about human flesh! Fellow society members, Bon apetite!

"Not so fast" I casually walk out of my hiding spot.

"Who is this trespasser? Guards" Mortimer screamed!

"Bad news Mortimer, no one is eating the boy you kidnapped tonight."

His eyes buldged as he realized what I was carrying over my shoulder, knowing he was done for if he let me keep talking he rushed to draw his gun.

But, I already expected that and ended him with one clean shot to the head.

I turned to the remainder of the White Glove Society who were in shock about what just happened, and I could see that the guards were coming back to their senses and about to attack.

"There has been no human flesh served tonight what you all just ate was fake, and cannibalism will not be making a comeback in the Ultralux."

Marjorie the leader of the White Gloves stood up "while I do agree that we shant be going back to the ways of old and that Mortimer deserved what he got, you do realize that we can't allow you to leave anymore."

"Oh? And whys that" I readied myself as all of the guards drew their weapons.

"We have been fighting our dreadful reputation for years, trying to escape our past of cannibalism. And if people hear what transpired tonight, well I'm afraid it would deeply affect our profits. And that is something I just won't stand for."

I started laughing "and what do you think will happen if you kill me?"

she looked confused at that "nothing your just a bit of wasteland trash, I assume that that uncultured cowboy Ted Gunderson hired you correct? That looks like his son, were you expecting us to let you leave just because you work for him? After you're dead we'll just return his son to him and tell him he was kidnapped by slavers, we'll probably even be able to extort him for cheaper beef prices."

I laughed again "While I am working for him that's just a job I picked up on the side. My real employer is someone you should know well, I work for Mr. House."

"Nonsense! You're just trying to save yourself."

"I know you don't have a gang thing going like The Tops and Gommorah but, you can't be telling me that you haven't heard me someone entering the Lucky 38."

I could see the realization dawning on her face.

"Mr. House sent me here because he's cleaning up The Strip, I've already killed Benny because he turned on House. He sent me hear to investigate the disappearances and to see if you guys were up to your old tricks. And if I don't show up to report that it was just one guy eating people and not the who casino things might not end so well for you."

"House might be strong but, there's no wat he'd be willing to go agains a who casino for just one person."

"That might have been true in the past but, things are changing and he has more power than he did before."

"So you expect me to just let you leave?"

"Yep" I nodded "at least if you don't want to end up with the Gommorah.

A serious look came over Marjorie's face "what do you mean what happened to the Gommorah?"

"Nothing" I smiled before looking at my Pipboy "at least for a couple more hours."

She said nothing and I could tell she was thinking about if it was worth it to kill me or not.

I readjusted the kid over my shoulder and making for the exit "before I leave let me give you a piece of advice, don't ever cross Mr. House he's always watching."

I walked out the door and thankfully no one tried to stop me, and after a quick elevator ride Ted Gunderson was crying while holding his son in his arms.

"Thank you, thank you" he sobbed.

"No Problem" I said still uncomfortable with the sight of a grown man crying his eyes out.

"Tell me who did this to him" his eye's suddenly got fierce?

"It was a Legion slaver who had snuck into The Strip" I stole Marjorie's lie I didn't really like her or the Ultralux after this adventure. But, if Gunderson held a grudge against them it would damage The Strip and cut into the amount of caps it made.

"I see, did you kill the son of a bitch?"

"I put a bullet right through his forehead."

"Good" he nodded.

He wanted to pay me a couple hundred caps for my services but, that much money was nothing to me now and told him that instead of that he owed me a favor now.