
(This is the first bonus chapter paid for by my Pat*reon and is courtesy of Dakota)

I snuck back into the Ultralux with none of my group members noticing a thing. On the way back I grabbed an extra bag of caps I realized I needed and took a quick shower before going to bed.

The next day Cass shook me awake, appearently everyone was panicking about the Gommorah. The whole Strip was shaken in the early hours of the morning a group of Securitrons barged into the casino and killed nearly all of the Omertas and were still occupying the building. People were on edge and people were worried that Mr. House was going to war.

I tried to calm down Cass and Veronica and told them I would go up and talk to house.

"Yes Man" I called "how did the attack go?"

"Oh, it went great! We killed over 60 Omertas and only lost a single unit! There was a . . bit of damage to the casino itself but, what else can you expect when send dozens of robots armed with explosive into a confined space!"

"How bads the damage?"

"Not too bad, no load bearing walls or anything like that were broke!"

"Good, what about Pretty Sarah?"

"She's on her way to The Strip now and seems really exited about being able to take over the Casino."

"She'll get that place in shape" I crossed my arms "but, just in case station a couple Securitrons in there from now on to keep an eye on the working girls there. And make sure that everyone knows the Omerta were working with the Legion we can't be the bad guys in this."

"Righty-O Boss! Is there anything else you need?"

"I don't think so" I tapped my chin "oh, right! Keep an eye on everyone going in and out of the Ultralux, and if people start disappearing let me know."

After making a couple more changes to the database I went back down and explained why House took out the Omerta. Needless to say everyone was shocked to learn that they were planning on killing everyone on The Strip.

Boone even cussed them out after hearing they were working for the Legion.

After everyone had calmed down I told them the plan for today, we were going to go shopping today and upgrade our arsenal. We were going to stop at Mick and Ralph's first because they had alot of good stuff then go out to the Gun Runners.

After that I would let everyone have the rest of the day off and go do my own stuff. I was planning on going to the New Vegas Medical Clinic to get some Cybernetic implants. They were basically just free Special points with all the money I had now. I wasn't sure exactly which ones I'd get yet but, I would decide when I get there.

I was also planning on picking up Rex and Arcade Gannon I didn't get them before because I was nervous about dealing with House. But, now was a good time to recruit them.

I was excited to have Arcade in my group because he was a former member of the Enclave and I might need his help with that stupid plan I had been thinking of.

As for Rex, to be completely honest I never really like him all that much. I mean he's a good dog but, I guess it just always bothered me that he wasn't my dog he was The Kings. I was still planning on getting him a new brain but, didn't really want him as a perminent member of my group. Besides I already had a way better idea for a pet that would be 100 times better than Rex.

We left the Lucky 38 in weird mood because of how desolate The Strip seemed it was completely different than it normally was. But, I was sure it would pass after Pretty Sarah got things up and running again.

Mick and Ralph were happy to see us again especially when they saw all the caps we were carrying and opened up their secret room so fast I'm suprised it didn't break.

Looking through their inventory I didn't really see anything I really wanted. I already had Ratslayer as my primary weapon so none of their Rifles interested me. I didn't really like full auto weapons so I wasn't going to buy any of those and I didn't have a good enough Energy Weapons skill to make it worth using them.

They did have some really nice big guns like the Fatman and Grenade Machinegun but, they were really expensive and I didn't think I would use them that often. Not to mention that I couldn't count the number of times I've accidentaly killed myself in game with those guns.

In the end I just bought a couple of regular Frag Grenades and a couple a dozen or so Throwing Knifes. I never used them in the game but, it seemed like they might be more useful in real life so I got them.

Just because I didn't buy much though didn't mean the others didn't.

Cass bought a new Hunting Rifle with extended magazines and a scope, she was bad at doing regular maintenence on her weapons and needed to change her gun. She also bought a some rounds for the Grenade Launcher since I had officially given it to her at this point since I never use it.

Veronica also got some new weapons she took an SMG since even though she liked fighting up close and personal it was still a really bad idea to not carry a gun around. Though the thing she was most excited about buying was the Ballistic Fist. It was basically a glove she could wear on her hand with a Shotgun attached to it, that would fire whenever she punches someone. Her eyes literally lit up when she tried it on.

I smiled thinking about how she would react when she see's the Superheated Saturnite Fist and Industrial Hand.

Boone who was completely in love with his Sniper Rifle just bought some ammo and grenades.

We left Mick and Ralph's happily with our new weapons and we were just getting started. The Gun Runners Factory was right outside Freesides east gate, and only took us a little while to get to.

Shopping at the Gun Runners was a bit different than shopping elsewhere instead of browsing their wares and paying when we leave. We had to stand outside of their fence in the searing heat and look through a catalog of everything they sold before paying Vendotron the robot overlook sales and having our orders brought out to us.

The Very first thing I ordered were three fully upgraded Anti Material Rifles, they were expensive and it cost over 30,000 caps by themselves it was worth it. I needed them because there was no way that I was going to clear the quarry of Deathclaws without every member of my group weilding the best weapons possible.

I didn't get a rifle for Veronica since she said whe'd just waste it.

I also bought a butt ton of regular, armor piercing, and explosive bullets for the Anti Material Rifles.

The rest of my order was a new .44 Magnum that wasn't broken like the one I found in Repconn, a Riot Shotgun since I felt like I needed a good close range weapon, and a full set of the Mk Reinforced Combat Armor one of the best sets of medium armor in the game.

Suprisingly no one else really bought anything else except for some light armor, when I asked why they told me that there were no other weapons they wanted and that they were already carrying a huge amount of weapons and didn't want to lug around heavy Comba Armor like me.

It made sense when I though about it since not everyone was like me a freak who never gets tired as long as the stuff I was carrying was under a certain weight.

Now that we were done with our shopping I said goodbye to everyone and told them they could do what they wanted for the rest of the day. And when they asked where I was going I let them know I had something to do at the New Vegas Medical Clinic, and I immediatly regretted my choice.

I didn't think about how famous the place probably was and they were able to figure out I was going to get implants since I wasn't injured.

The tried to convince me it was a bad idea but, I stuck to my guns and in the end gave up when I reminded them of my powers. Though Cass was adamant in coming too, she said that I need someone there to keep an eye on me while I was under.

I couldn't find any problems in her argument and it seemed like a good idea so I let her come with me.