
(This chapter was sponsored by Harlow)

The Clinic was completely different than what I was expecting. In the game it was a desolate building with pretty much only Doctor Usanagi the person who gives the implants and a few guards around. There was dozens of people inside the building looking to meet doctor and get treated, and it seemed like it might take a while for us to be seen.

We even had to wait in line to see the receptionist.

"Hello what can I do for you today" the tired looking woman greeted us.

"I'm here to get some implants" I said jingling my bags of caps slightly.

"Oh" she said surprised "we don't get too many people in here for that particular service it's too expensive."

"Yeah but, they're worth it right" I added.

"Of course" she smile "and Doctor Usanagi has had a 100% success rate with this operation before you'll be in good hands. Just let me lead you to the back while I make the Doctor aware of your presence."

She led us to a room in the back and left us alone .

"Well here personality changed fast" Cass wondered.

"We are going to give them tens of thousands of caps which is probably several months their income all at once, of course they'll be excited."

"Indeed" I voice came from outside the door and let itself in "we do not charge for any of our medical services and all of our money comes from charity, so this will be a great boon to us."

"Doctor Usanagi I suppose" I looked at the middle aged asian woman.

"Yes that's me" she held out her hand "Mr. -"

"Devin" I shook her hand.

"Well, Mr. Devin we have a variety of advanced cybernetic imlants that can aid ones chances of survival in the wastes. Is there anything specific your looking for?

"Well for starters I want the Monocyte Breeder and Subdermal Armor."

"Oh, my you certainly do have money don't you? Those two are our most advanced models. The Subdermal Armor is a layer of microscopic robots that form a mesh just under your fat layer that is capable of stopping bladed weapons from penetrating your vital organs."

"So it can't stop bullets" Cass asked?

"Of course not! If we had that kind of technology do your really think the Brotherhood of Steel or even the NCR for that matter would let us sell something like that? No, at most it will slightly slow a bullet down."

"That doesn't seem too worth it then" Cass scoffed.

"I beg to differ that would have been incredibly useful when I was being attacked by ghouls at Repconn. Those things have some sharp nails!"

"As for the Monocyte Breeder it a small device the size of a pea that will will use the nutrients in you body to artificially creat white blood cells that are able to recognize and kill nearly every virus and disease on the planet, effectively making it impossible for you get sick."

"Ok, never getting sick again sounds pretty good" Cass conceded.

"Yeah, you can eat and drink without being afraid of catching something" I added.

"Is that all you want" Usanagi asked?

"No I also want the Strength, Endurance, and Agility implants."

Usanagi frowned "that's alot of implants are you sure you want that many? Your body may not be able to handle all of them I'll be forced to remove them. And you won't get a refund since they will not be able to be reused."

I nodded "I'm confident I can handle all of them." and I was since my Endurance was 5 I should be able to handle 5 implants.

Doctor Usanagi shrugged "Okay, if you're sure it is your money after all."

"So how do we start" I asked?

"Well, first of all your associate will need to leave the room."

"What why" Cass complained!

"Because in my experience people don't like anyone else but, the doctor to be in the room while I'm giving them a medical exam."

"I need an exam?"

"Of course! I need to know everything possible about your body so I can configure the implants to fit you, especially for a job as big as this."

Cass still looked worried but, I nodded at her saying it's okay.

"Whatever" she huffed "just don't die!"

The next two hours were a blur of needles, tests, and turning my head to cough but, it thankfully passed quickly. And I was currently lying on a gurnee with a needle in my arm that was hopefully going to put me to sleep. I wondered if it would be like regular sleep where you slowly fade in and out of consciousness, or it will be the same as normal where I just suddenly black-

-Out and wake back up an instant later to find that hours have passed "wait what's going on."

"You're finally awake" Cass jumped!

"H-how long was I out" I asked weirded out by how sudden that was?

"The surgery itself lasted about three hours and you've been laying there for two."

"Wow, that's not nearly as long as I thought it would be."

"The miracles of modern medicine Mr. Devin" Doctor Usanagi walked in "I guessed that you would be waking up any moment now."

"So how long until I leave?"

"You should be good to go now" she smiled "aren't Stimpaks wonderful."

"I'll say."

"You should just wait a bit longer so that the IV drip can replace the nutrients the Stimpak used, as well as for me to run a couple more tests."

Half an hour later I was walking out of the Medical Center with considerably less caps.

On the trip back aside from assuring Cass I was fine I also got used to my new abilities. Agility was probably the easiest to notice my reaction time was far quicker than before and I could run alot faster. Strength was also easy to notice I was very obvious how much lighter my new Anti Material Rifle felt. As for endurance I couldn't really think of an easy way to test that because I didn't want to exhaust myself but, I could feel that it increased too.

I felt like new man and I also noticed something interesting. I wasn't sure about it since it was just a feeling I had but, it seemed like the temporary Special I got from my clothing weren't as strong as the ones I get from a permenent increase. It would make sense though since the clothes were only an external aid, though the implants were technically external help too but, that was just semantics.

Moving on I open my Pipboy to check my new stats to see where I stood.

Level 20


S 6

P 6(8)

E 6(7)

C 5(7)

I 10

A 6(7)

L 5


Barter 50

Energy Weapons 15

Explosives 19

Guns 100

Lockpick 50

Medicine 30

Melee Weapons 15

Repair 80

Science 84

Sneak 50

Speech 65

Survival 20

Unarmed 25


Confirmed Bachelor, Intense Training(1), Friend Of The Night, Commando, Comprehension, Sniper, Adamantium Skeleton, Action Boy, Weapon Handling, Robotics Expert, Subdermal Armor, Monocyte Breeder, Strength Implant, Endurance Implant, Agility Implant

My stats were not pretty much all above average except for luck but, I didn't really care about that as much.

I was curious about the Subdermal Armor and Monocyte Breeder too but, I didn't want to hurt myself to test them so. I didn't worry about it though since I could see them in my Perk list.