NCR Embassy

Getting my implants took longer than I expected and it was already fairly late by the time me and Cass made it back to The Strip. So I gave up on recruiting Arcade and Rex today and decided to use the bit of sunlight left to go to the NCR Embassy.

It was a fairly unimpressive building compaired to the rest of The Strip, and I thought it was a bit funny how they had armored soldiers standing guard at the entrance when they weren't allowed to carry guns and had to settle for stun batons.

They didn't stop me and I entered the Embassy inside typing at a computer was a woman 20 something.

"NCR Embassy how can I help you" she asked without even looking up?

"We're looking for the Ambassador."

"Of course the Ambassador is at the end of the hall through the door on my right."


She grunted in acknowledgement still absorbed into work.

"She was nice" Cass said sarcasm filling her voice.

I shrugged "that's just how receptionists are."

We found the room we were told about and I decided to be polite and knock first.

"Come in" a voice echoed from inside.

The Ambassador was a weary looking middle aged man wearing a dirty brown suit. He looked us over an instantly recognized me from the reports he had been getting.

"I'm glad you could make it" he smiled "we have a alot to talk about."

"No problem I was just curious what the NCR could possibly want with me?"

"When I first send for you I just wanted to talk about a job opportunity but, after recent events I now have a couple more questions for you."

"You're talking about what happened to the Gommorah, right?"

He crossed his fingers "Indeed, and as the only person to ever be allowed inside the Lucky 38 I felt that you might have some insight into what Mr. House is thinking."

"It's not that complicated" I said "the Omerta were working with the Legion and planning a massacre, why wouldn't House take them out?"

"What about the The Tops? The first day you arrived on The Strip Benny mysteriously dies?"

"That was personal Benny tried to kill me not long ago and I was just returning the favor."

"Then why didn't the Chairmen retaliate letting you get away with killing their leader can't have been good for moral."

"Benny was an asshole, and Swank wanted to take power so we worked out a deal."

"Hmm, the what about the Ultralux? I recieved a report that you entered the casino last night, and the very next day the White Gloves claim that Mortimer one of their highest ranking members died in his sleep? That's quite the coincidence isn't it?"

"Shit" I cursed under my breath! I didn't even need to look to know that Cass was glaring a hole in my head.

"That is a huge coincidence" I crossed my arms "but, why would I want to kill a random member of the White Gloves who I've never even met before?"

The Ambassador was silent for a moment before continuing "I suppose your right. We might as well get to the main reason I called you here, you see I have a certain job that I think would be right up your alley."

"I'm listening."

"I'm sure you've noticed that things have been a little tense in the Mojave lately with Mr. House, the Legion, and NCR all making plays. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that something big is going to happen and happen soon."

I narrowed my eyes "how soon?"

"Based on reports we've recieved from scouts and our spies in the Legion we estimate that the Legion will be finished amassing their forces and be ready to attack in a little more than a year."

I blinked that was WAY more time than I was expecting to have.

He sighed "to be honest with you the NCR is in a tight spot. And regardless of what you or Mr. House think of us, if we lose the people who suffer the most will be the citizens of the Mojave. I'm not willing to let that happen and from what I've seen neither are you."

"So what exactly do you want from me?"

"To the north east is a settlement, the people living there are known locally as the Boomers. And they're sitting on a munitions supply that would be invaluable in our fight against the Legion. I'd like you to get in contact with them and do whatever it takes to get them to help us."

"Wait! You want us to talk to the Boomers" Cass interupted "you do know those guys blow up anyone who even gets close, right?"

He coughed awkwardly "I am aware that the Boomers like to keep to themselves, and are . . a bit unfriendly. But, that's why I need someone like your friend. He seems to have a knack for doing things that others have deemed impossible."

"And what exactly would I get paid for this? It's not an easy job after all?"

"Aside from gaining amnesty for any past transgressions against the NCR you would also recieve a decent monetary reward and several benefits and perk only afforded to NCR soldiers."

"I don't need the money" I waved my hand "if you've been keeping an eye on me then you should have already gotten reports that I'm loaded."

He let out a wry smile "yes, so I've heard. It seems like being in Mr. Houses employ comes with generous benefits. Alright, if you don't want money what do you want?"

"Well, for starters I want to be able to use the monorail and I want to be able to use it now and not after I complete your mission."

"Easily arranged."

"And I also want to be able to buy guns and equipment from you armory."

He frowned "and why would you want to do that, you've already cleaned out anything you wanted from Mick & Ralph's and the Gun Runners."

I shrugged "yeah but, they don't have any of that awesome NCR Ranger armor."

He pinched the bridge of his nose "I can't promise anything since that's above my authority but, even if I can get you permission to do that everything would most likely have an insane mark up."

"I can deal with that."

"So you'll do it then?"

"Yeah, I was planning on paying the Boomers a visit anyway at some point but, I can't do it right away I have some other stuff to deal with first."

"That's acceptable as long as it's done before the Legion attacks the dam I don't care."