
(This Chapter was sponsored by BuzzGrave)

It with my high Science skill and Robotics Expert perk I was easily able to retrieve the information the Enclave hid inside ED-D. It was data about how to build more Duraframe Eyebots that I would definitly make use of later. But, for now I was focused on upgrading ED-D.

His little zapper and armor were okay against weak enemies but, they wouldn't be able to cut it anymore.

The first thing I did was remove his old casing to get at his insides, I wanted to see if I could increase his energy reserves.

I couldn't make his fusion core produce more energy but, I could add some extra batteries inside of him that would charge up using any excess energy. That effectively tripled his energy capacity and made the upgrades I wanted to add possible to run.

I ordered one of the Securitrons to come down and had it shut itself down. I wanted to take it apart and see if I could add it's self repair function to ED-E.

I was curious about how it worked did the Securitrons have nanobots inside that fixed them up or was it something else. After taking off its casing I fired a couple shots in so that I could see what happened.

To my shock the wires and metal that got destroy slowly started forcing themselves back into place!

Was it some kind memory material?

No after carefully looking through their programing I managed to track the source of their healing to a small device inside them. And it was incredible how it work! The little device actually track of all the systems in the Securitron and whenever it would force everything back into place with an unknown power. It was completely seamless and wouldn't break no matter what I tried.

I couldn't understand how House could get his hands on something like this let alone thousands of them. There were clearly something going on that I had no idea of, I wanted to go ask House what the hell these were. But, I knew he wouldn't tell me anything.

I decided to keep one of them on me and would ask the Think Tank if they knew what it was when I got to the Big MT.

For now though I placed one inside ED-D and copied that portion of the Securitrons code to ED-D. To test if it worked I carefully snipped a couple of his wires something I could easily fix and waited, and I smiled as they fused themselves back together.

Next I wanted to upgrade ED-D's weapon the zapper was power efficient but, it was too weak. So I replaced it an upgraded Laser Pistol.

The energy cost ended up being a bit too much but, I made it so ED-D didn't have to fire each shot at 100% he could fire weaker blasts that were the same as the zapper and amp it up if needed to. The Laser Pistol wasn't the weapon I really wanted to upgrade ED-D with but, it would do for now.

And Lastly I used the data I took from ED-D to recast a new chassis for him and painted it in vault blue with accents of yellow because I loved that color scheme.

Satisified with my work I booted ED-D up and watched him slowly hover off the table.

"How do you feel" I asked?

"Great" he beeped "my new systems are both functioning properly!"

"What about your weapon how many times can you use it?"

"If I use my new weapon at 100% I can fire a maximum of twenty shots before having to recharge."

"That's acceptable for now but, I'll have to find you a better power source in the future."

With ED-D's upgrades done I had another Idea. The Securitrons are standardized with the weapons Mr. House thought would be most effective but, what if I made my own? I could whatever weapons I wanted to it.

The idea of a Securitron running around cover in heavy weapons really appealed to me, or maybe I could do the opposite and take out all it's weapons and use that space to carry more supplies. The more I though about it the more I liked the second idea. Our group was already loaded up with weapons so a Securitron's firepower isn't that useful to us.

Not to mention all those new weapons we were carrying were extremely heavy so having a robot around to carry all out extra supplies would really help everyone out, and I could even give it extra thick armor and make it into a meat shield for us.

With that idea stuck in my head I used the remainder of the night taking all the weapons out of a Securitron which were taking up a huge amount of space inside the robots, when I was done I tested it a bit and found that it could carry around three hundred pounds without being effected.

I also thicked it's armor and painted it black and in the spur of the moment decided to add another one of those tiny repair devices inside of it to see if that would make the repairs happen faster. And guess what, It did.

Look at it though, it still seemed to be missing something. And that's when it hit me, it didn't have any way to fight back! I know I made to to carry stuff but, it should still have some kind of weapon on it right?

So after thinking about it a bit I added Machetes to each of its hands, now my creation was complete!

All it needed was a name.

I didn't want to overthink it, so I just named it Razor because of it Machetes.