Camp Mccarran

The monorail skidded to a stop and the military personel onboard began to file off, I stood up and yawned while stretching out. We got up early to catch the monorail to Camp Mccarren, it was a long boring ride and there was an oppresive feeling on the train. The soldiers heading back to camp had just finished their leave and had to head back into battle, so I could understand how they were feeling.

We were met by a Colonel James Hsu who introduced himself to us.

"I've heard about how you gave the Legion hell at their raid camp" he spoke "it's an honor to meet you."

"Likewise" I replied.

"Might, I ask why you've come to out to Camp McCarran?"

"Well" I continued "my group was hired to take care of the Fiends, and since their base isn't far from here I figured the NCR would be keeping detailed information on them."

"And you want to see if we know anything about how they operate."


"Hmm, that information is classified but, there isn't anything too important in there all right" he nodded "I can get you what we have. Though I have to warn you the Fiends are chaotic and any information we give you should be taken with a grain of salt."

"I understand most of them are high out of their minds I would be surprised if anything they did was consistent."

"Is there anything else you need?"

"Actually, I was wondering if there were any problems at the camp you could use some help with?"

The Colonel looked deep in thought for a moment "now that you mention it there is something, and you and you're group are the perfect candidates for the job seeing as this is your first time in the base."

"Why would that make us qualified for a job" Veronica asked?

"Because, the camp has a traitor" Boone narrowed his eyes.

"What" Veronica jumped!

"Not so loud" the Colonel pleaded "this isn't widely known on the base yet and I'd prefer to keep it that way."

"So there really is a spy" Cass asked?

" . . . Maybe" he hesitated " it started out small, over the last couple of weeks our casualties against the Legion have risen slightly. I didn't think anything of it at first, until not long ago when a major operation of ours ended in disaster. It's seemed like an accident but, something about it just doesn't sit right with me.

"And you want us to look around."

"Yes but, do it quietly" he emphisized "it isn't guaranteed that there is a spy and I don't want people panicking over nothing."

"Got it" I nodded.

"Go talk to Captain Curtis he's in charge of the base's security, he should be able to point you in the right direction."

"Alright is there anything else?"

"No" he shook his head "I've already given the order that you and your group are to be given free reign to go where ever you want in the base, bar a few restricted areas."

"We'll get to it then" I walked off towards the base.

"Oh, and before I forget I'll have someone deliver the information you're looking for some time later today."

We walked across the tarmac and headed for the main building.

"You already know who the spy is don't you" Cass whispered in my ear.

I just smirked.

Cass's eye twitched and she had to hold herself back from hitting me.

"Wow, there's so many people here" Cass said in awe.

"The NCR has a standing population of roughly 1.3 million and Camp Mccarran is their main base in the Mojave with over 10,000 soldiers being combat ready at any given time" Boone stated matter of factly.

I wondered if that was one of the triggers for Veronica's character quest.

My plan for now was to go around the base collecting all of the quests I knew about and solve as many of them as I could before finding the spy tonight.

There were four quests that I wanted to complete.

"Silus Treatment" which was about interrogating a Legion Centurion to get intel about their future plans.

"Dealing With Contreras" is about stopping a soldier named Contreras from selling NCR guns to the Gun Runners.

"I Don't Hurt Anymore" was about convincing an NCR soldier who was raped by the Fiends to get medical treatment.

And finally "A Plan For Esteban" involved helping a widowed soldier collect the corpse of her husband who's body was booby trapped by the Fiends and left to rot.

Some of the quests I wanted to do for the reward but, most of them I did just because I had the ability to help. Well that and the EXP.

My first stop was the camps prison. It was easy enough to convince the jail guards to us help since they couldn't torture him because of NCR rules, and since we weren't NCR soldiers we didn't actually have to follow their rules.

I knew how to get him to talk without having to hurt him and was about to enter the interogation room when I saw Boone. The fierce look in his eye made me remember what the Legion did to his wife, so I patted him on the shoulder and told him to take care of him.

The terrifying grin that spread over his face when I was leaving was disturbing so I had to go back and remind him not to kill the man. Boone agreed but, I wasn't sure he would be able to help himself. Either way I didn't pity the Legion soldier.

I moved on to convincing Corpral Betsy the soldier who was raped by Cook Cook one of the Fiends leaders to go in for medical care and psychiatric treatment. Thankfully my Charisma and Speech skill were high enough so I managed to make her understand that it was okay to ask for help and she agreed to go. Especially when I promised I would bring her Cook Cook's head.

Next was dealing with Contreras a soldier who worked in the bases supply shack was next on my list. It was childs play to sneak in there and knock him out with the small bottle of chloroform I started to carry around. Then all I had to do was hack into his personal computer and download the weapon manafest that clearly showed everything he'd done and bring that to one of the soldiers in charge. As a rewards I was given 'This Machine' a unique Battle Rifle and the counterpart to 'That Gun'. It was one of the most powerful rifles in the game but, it also had the worst bullet spread of any rifle making it completely useless at range. I still decided to keep it to see if I could fix it.

Lastly was the grieving widow sitting alone in one of the terminals of the airport the base was build in. I couldn't help her yet but, me and Cass sat with her a while and talked with her after promising to get his body back from the Fiends.

By the end of the day we had basically become celebrities on the base as everyone had heard about everything we'd done.

Later that night for dinner we all gathered in the mess hall, and Boone finally decided to show up. He seemed unphased by the terrible things he must have done earlier and I chose not to comment on the traces of blood I saw on his clothes.

(I want to know if you guys are okay with how I'm writing the quests. There are just so many of them and I feel like it would drag the story down if I wrote down every detail about how you complete them.)