Captain Curtis

Later that night I was sitting crouched in the shadows watching the air traffic control tower. I knew that Captain Curtis the current head of security for the base was the spy, and that he would come here every night to send messages to the Legion.

He was easily able to evade the security patrols and check points, because he was the one who made them in the first place.

I had already gotten the key to the tower and was just waiting for the man to show up.

Beside me Cass was patiently waiting, after what happened at the Ultralux she refused to take no for an answer and demanded to help with my stakeout. And I had no choice but, to give in.

We were both cloaked in Stealthboys and I was really enjoying the fact that they were reusable unlike in the games.

I couldn't see her but, I couldn't hear the soft shink of one of her knives as she slowly sharpened it.

It was terrifying and made me think twice about making her angry again.

12:30 rolled around and I finally saw movement around the tower. The Captain silently rushed to the tower in the small gap between patrols.

"Let's go" I whispered to Cass.

She didn't say anything but, I could hear her behind me.

I checked the doorknob and sure enough he wasn't stupid enough to leave it unlocked and I had to fish the key out of my pocket.

Inside was a steep metal stairwell that I had absolutely zero confidence in climbing without the sounds it would make getting me caught. Luckily, I didn't have to climb up as the walls were made of cement and I could hear his voice echoing from the top.

I tapped a small button on my Pipboy and listened.

"This, is Frumentarius Picus, Over."

"Go ahead Picus" a deep voice replied.

"Afternoon patrol enters Fiend territory quadrant alpha at 1300, have them mine that stretch."

"Roger that, the Fiends will be alerted. What is the status of your primary mission?"

"The charges are set, the explosion will happen when the train leaves the station, over."

"How long?"

"The train normally leaves to The Strip at 0400 to deliver soldiers returning from their leave back to base."

"Good work, keep us updated."

"I have additional information to report."

"What do you have?"

"The Courier arrived on base today."

"What is he doing?"

"From what I can tell he's worked out some kind of deal with the NCR. Where he take up jobs they don't have the resources to do and the NCR gives him special benefits in return. He and his group have gone around all day cleaning up different mess. The former 1st Recon sniper named Boone even interrogated the imprisoned Centurion."

"Did they get information on our plan?"

"Negative, they only know that we're planning something in the near future. There is no possibility of them being able to stop the bombing."

"Excellent work, I'll have to report to Caesar about the Courier, over and out."

"Over and out."

I tapped Cass on the shoulder to let her know we were leaving and we hightailed it out of there. As soon as we were far enough away I turned of the Stealthboy and motioned for her to do the same.

"Here take this" I popped a holotape from my Pipboy "I recorded everything take it to Colonel Hsu and don't let any other soldiers see it before he does."

She nodded "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to see if I can disarm the bomb" I activated my Stealthboy again and snuck off.

The monorail was quite a bit bigger than it was in the games but, I knew the bomb was hidden in a vent. So it didn't take too long to find.

My Explosive skill was a bit low so I couldn't directly disable the explosives but, I could disable the timer on the explosives so they couldn't be set off.

After dealing with the bomb I went back inside the base to try and find Colonel Hsu, and found an interesting sight.

Captain Curtis was being restrained by a couple of MP's(Military Police) and led to a holding cell. I figured Cass and the Colonel would probably got talk to him sooner rather than later so I followed.

And I was right they were already waiting outside the jail as Curtis was dragged in.

"How could you do this Curtis, after everything I've done for you" Hsu lamented.

"I don't know what they told you but, I'm being framed" he bellowed!

Colonel Hsu just shook his head "They recorded your conversation with the Legion. I heard everything."

Curtis snared knowing he was screwed "so what you'll never find the bomb in time!"

"You mean this bomb" I revealed myself since the dramatic timing was just too good to pass up?

Curtis was startled by my sudden appearance and went pale when he saw what I was carrying in my hands.

"So what if you stopped me" he screamed "don't you get it? The Legions destined to win there's no stopping them, our only choice is to join them before they destroy us!'

Colonel Hsu shook his head "lock him up, we'll deal with the interrogation tomorrow. He then turned his attention to me "there are no words to describe how much I and everyone else on base owe you. If the monorail was destroyed it would have crippled our main supply line."

"Anything to fuck with the Legion" I laughed.

"I'd love to stay and talk more" he said "but, this is one of the few times we got one over on the Legion. I've got to keep this quiet, the Legion doesn't know that Curtis has been caught yet. And if we might be able to use that to feed them false information over the radio. So I've got to make sure this doesn't spread off base."