The Trap Is Set

"Is everyone in position" I whispered into my radio?




Came the replies.

"Good, then I guess It's time to start" I tapped Razor on the side signaling him to go.

He rolled out of the building we were hiding in and into the clearing in the distance, and I could already hear the shots bouncing off of his armor.

The Fiends weapons weren't good enough to penetrate his double thick armor and even if they did he would fix himself within seconds.

Razor was the perfect bait to get the hidden Fiend snipers to reveal their positions. Cass and Boone where hidden on nearby rooftops ready to counter snipe them.

As Razor rolled through the field ignoring the bullets he set off several mines and bear traps that were scattered around clearing a path.

By this point the Fiends had already realized that they were under attack and began to search for their shooters and retreated into cover.

This was what I was waiting for! I rushed out of hiding and into the field catching up to Razor.

While I was doing that Veronica was using my Stealthboy to sneak around and kill the Fiends who were hiding from the gunshots.

When I finally reached my goal I saw a disgusting sight, a rotting corpse with the flesh literally melting off and covered in flies.

It was an NCR Ranger who was killed over a week ago. The Fiends had booby trapped his body and had snipers guarding him so that his body couldn't be retrieved, they did it to demoralize the NCR.

Now we were her on the request of his wife to collect the body. It was one of the quests from the game and a part of my plan to take down the Fiends.

I reached down and threw the corpse over my shoulder. The smell was so disgusting I had to fight not to vomit, I was regretting the fact that I got rid of Razor's hands or I would have had him do this.

Regardless I started to sprint to the NCR blockade that had been set up to watch the body, with Razor stay close behind me to block any stray shots.

Once I finally reached safety I handed the body over to one of the shocked NCR soldiers and pulled out my radio again.

"Alright, I retrieved the body. You guys can pull back now."

I heard their confirmations and sat down to relax.

Smirking I put my radio away, I was glad I spent the time to make these. Short range radio technology isn't really that widely used in this world, so I figured it would be a waste take advantage of that.

They weren't even that hard to make them I just used a bit of knowledge from my old world. I wasn't a genius or anything back then but, I did know a thing or two about electronics.

They only had a range of a couple hundred feet but, that was more than enough for now.

Stretching a bit I stood up and turned to the soldiers around who were still a bit dumbstruck.

"We should get out of here, we already have the body so there's no reason to still be here when the Fiends reinforcements arrive."

The didn't need to be told twice and began packing up all their equipment.

I met up with the rest of my group just outside of Camp Mccarran. And everyone seemed pleased at how well our plan went. Even Boone seemed to be in a slightly better mood than usual.

I was going to ask him why but, stopped myself when I realized the most likely answer.

He knows what It's like to have a loved one die and not be able to retrieve their body, so helping someone who was in the same situation as him might have been some form of catharsis.

I went back inside the base and ignored the tide of soldiers running around in a panicked and found my way to Colonel Hsu's office, he seemed pleased the first part of our plan was going so well.

"How are things on your end" I asked?

"Every is going well" he nodded "All telecommunications are under lockdown and only a select group of my most trusted people know what's going on. Though I have to say your a crafty son of a bitch for thinking of something like this."

I laughed "how are the soldiers up in the monorail doing? It can't be fun having to sit up in that giant metal coffin all day."

"No idea" he shrugged they've been doing a good job of keeping out sight though. No one is any the wiser and all the correct preparations have been made."

"Good, now all we have to do is wait" I let out an evil grin.

Inside the air control tower in the earlier hours of the morning.

"This, is Frumentarius Picus I have urgent news to report, Over."

"Go ahead Picus" a deep voice replied.

"The plan has succeeded and Camp Mccarran is now crippled."

"That is excellent new Caesar will be pleased. Now what is this urgent news you have?"

"It seems the NCR and Mr. House have reached some kind of secret agreement."

"Explain" the voice asked clearly shaken by the news!?

"I don't know the details but, after news about the monorail explosion got out we received secret orders to pack everything up and move to The Strip."

"That's impossible" the voice screamed! "House has never allowed the NCR to carry weapons there let alone a fully equipped army!"

"I'm just as confused as you our however House has been rather active lately. The raid on the Gommorah and the disappearances of Benny and Mortimer, House is clearly making plays. Not to mention that the Courier the only person to have ever entered the Lucky 38 has recently arrived on base. I refuse to believe that is a coincidence!"

"You may be right Picus, this news is most worrisome and must be reported to Caesar immediately!"

"Can I make a suggestion?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"This retreat definitely isn't planned and everyone is running completely uncoordinated. They're trying to pack up and leave before the Fiends catch wind of what happened. It's going to be chaos while they're marching to New Vegas! It would be the perfect moment for an-"

"Ambush" the voice finished! "I'll get in contact with the Fiends right away! Over and out!"

The radio went silent.

A tired looking soldier leaned back in his chair and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"How was that sir" he asked?

"Absolutely perfect" Colonel Hsu grinned.

"Your, Captain Curtis was spot on" I gave him a thumbs up.

"That was the most stressful moment of my entire life" the soldier sighed.

Hsu laughed and patted his shoulder "don't worry kid as long as everything works out, I'll personally make sure you're promoted for this!"

The soldier awkwardly laughed back and scratched his neck "I'm just surprised that my impersonation of the Captain came in handy like this. I can't even count how many times Captain Curtis made me wash the latrines after hearing me make fun of him."

"But, you never stopped" Hsu smirked.

"Of course" the soldier smacked his chest "Curtis was an asshole and everyone always loved it when I mocked him."

"Well, I should get moving" I said "we don't have much time left."

Hsu nodded "are you sure you don't want to take a couple soldiers with you?"

"No we don't know who could be a Legion spy and we can't risk the plan being leaked. Besides I trust my people we'll get this done!"