
We left the base and snuck into the area surrounding Vault 3. Vault 3 was the Fiends base of operation and the reason that they were as feared as they were, when ever anyone tried to wipe them out they would just lock themselves inside.

From the intel Colonel Hsu gave me I found out that at any moment there are hundreds of Fiends in the Vault. I thought about doing a frontal assault like you do in the game but, the cramped spaces of the Vault and the fact that they weren't stupid A.I. made me rethink my plan.

I needed to find a way to get as many of the Fiends out of the Vault as possible and that's when I thought of the Monorail and Captain Curtis. I could use the Legion to trick the Fiends into launching an attack on the NCR.

So after Captain Curtis was captured I went to Colonel Hsu and convinced him to follow my plan. He thought it was too dangerous at first but, the thought of finally being rid of the Fiends was too much for him to resist.

First loaded Captain Curtis and the soldiers who captured him into the Monorail, then I gave them the bomb and a couple of my smoke bombs. They drove the Monorail just outside of the camp and started smashing out all the windows and making it look broken. And finally they lit my smoke bombs and threw the actual bomb out the window where it detonated. When the camp awoke because of the explosion and saw the monorail it looked like it blew up, and because the few NCR soldiers who knew what happened last night and Captain Curtis were inside no one knew it was fake.

Next we had to wait until night time and make a fake report to the Legion and in an incredible stroke of luck there was someone on the base who could do an almost perfect Captain Curtis impression.

So while we were waiting for night I decided to go out and complete the quest to collect the dead NCR Ranger. Before returing to the base sending the report and moving on to the next phase of the plan.

Now we were hiding in a building about a quarter mile from Vault 3 watching the flurry of activity that was going on.

They had clearly gotten the report from the Legion and were gearing up for a major assault. And through my scope I could see all four of the Fiends leaders were involved. Cook Cook the rapist, Driver Nephi with his golf club, Violet and her dogs, and then finally the big boss himself Motor Runner.

It was tempting to start taking shots at them now but, I held myself back.

From what I could see Motor Runner was gathering everyone into three groups, with him Cook Cook and Violet each leading one. I didn't know what his plan to attack the NCR group as the walked to New Vegas was but, that didn't matter to me.

What I was concered about was Driver Nephi who seemed to be the one they were leaving behind to gaurd the base. I'd hoped they would all go but, I guess I wasn't that lucky since the leaders were the only Fiends I was worried about.

As the sun was barely beggining to rise Motor Runner led the three groups away leaving Driver Nephi to retreate into the Vault.

From my best quest there were still at least 100 Fiends left to defend the Vault so it still seemed like we'd be in for a difficult battle.

There were two Fiends left to gaurd the entrance and for Fiends I could tell they were taking their job very seriously. Maybe it was because they knew something big was happening but, I didn't see them shoot up once. And I couldn't just shoot them either because the Vault door was wide open and I couldn't tell if there were other inside, and if I just randomly shot they would close the doors.

This had to be done quietly so I activated my Stealthboy one last time to sneak in. I'd over used the thing over the last couple weeks and it's battery was beggining to run low, so it only had a couple of minutes of charge left. But, as long as I made it into the Vault it would be worth it.

Sneaking past the two gaurd I narrowed my eyes seeing a over half a dozen Fiends inside, I was relieved I made the right decision.

Even though there were eight Fiends there with the six inside plus the two gaurds I wasn't worried. Because the Fiends inside were sitting in a circle passing an inhaler of Jet around. They were stoned out of there minds so I was confident in taking them out quietly.

I carefully readied my pistol I bought a silenced 9mm from the NCR just for this occasion. I actived Vats and put them down before they even noticed what happened. The guards outside heard the comotion and ran inside to investigate and I took them out just as easily. The Silenced 9mm Pistol might not be as strong as some of my other weapons but, I definitely had the lowest AP cost. I could fire it over ten times without having to wait for my AP to recharge.

I carefuly waited with my Stealthboy activated and in case anyone further in the Vault heard the sound but, no one came.

So I went back outside and waved for everyone else to come in. Cass, Boone, Veronica, and ED-D met me at the entrance. I unfortunately had to leave Razor behind because he wasn't really suitable for a stealth mission like this.

We didn't speak at all as we had already gone over the plan multiple times and immediately went to work. Me, Boone, and Veronica went deeper into the Vault while Cass and ED-D would stay at the entrance to make sure no one comes up behind us.

We divided into these teams because Boone and Veronica were more proficient in hand to hand combate which would come in handy in the tight spaces of a Vault. While ED-D would be able to let Cass know if any enemies were coming and Cass could use her Grenade Launcher to hold the Vault door if someone did come.